Dog Chase Afternoon

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- Chapter Seven -

"Come on, Chase!" You pat your thighs, slowly backing into the capsule. "Come here!" Chase slows for a moment, ears flat against his head as he lowers his belly low. "Come on!" After a moment, Chase finally trots towards you and into the capsule, tail wagging. "Atta boy!"

You move out of the capsule just as it closes. Douglas taps a few buttons on his tablet to activate the capsule, turning dog Chase into regular Chase.

Luckily, the capsule granted Chase clothes so that you all wouldn't be flashed by his nakedness.

Chase steps out with a slight wobble, but he full on gives a death glare to Douglas. "If you ever create something like that again..."

Douglas - who's unbothered by the threat - smiles. "The good thing is that my actual experiment worked."

11 Hours Earlier

'Threat! Kill it!'

You're alert as you wake, and the body on yours is wiggling around and it takes you only a few moments to realize that it's a dog. Or more exact, a Border Collie. Your attention is drawn to the Hyper-Lift, and out comes Douglas, Oliver, and Kaz. "Would someone explain to me why there is a dog in the penthouse?"

Douglas smiles as he walks around the couch. "Heh, well you see..." The dog turns to Douglas and growls, body stiff and low. "Chase, knock it off!"


The dog - well Chase - turns back to you and paws at your arm, seeming to say, look at what they did to me

You rub your eyes tiredly not only from sleep, but from that bizzare situation as well. "Please tell me why Chase is a dog."

Douglas claps his hands together. "I wanted to experiment-" You groan, leaning your head back against the couch. "- I wanted to see if it was scientifically possible to turn a human into an animal, and what do you know! It works."

You can't help but laugh, because of course Douglas would do such a thing. You cover your face in your hands, contemplating if you wanted to murder this man before you.

Chase nudges his snout to the back of your hand, seeming to try to comfort you. You let your hand drop, moving to scratch him behind the ears. "How do we turn him back?" Kaz giggles, but Oliver elbows him in the ribs. "What's so funny?"

Kaz looks at Douglas, motioning for him to tell you. "Tell her, she'll love it."

Dreading the answer, you still ask, "What?"

Douglas scratches the back of his neck. "The antidote is half finished."

"Half finished?!" You nudge Chase over to the side as you stand. "Douglas, why would you turn him into a dog if the antidote isn't even finished!"

Douglas swirls around to look at the boys. "Kaz? Would you like to explain?"

You turn from Douglas to Kaz. "You turned Chase into a dog!"

"Kaz got impatient," Oliver says, which earns him an elbow to the ribs from Kaz.

Kaz holds his hands out, seeming to try to calm your warth. "Look, you know how I am-"

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