Winners and Losers

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- Chapter Five -

"In most - if not all - games have either winners or losers." Douglas smiles, hands clapping together in glee. "I, for one, am a winner."

"Douglas, what are you talking about?" Bree asks, brow raising.

He smiles wickedly. "I have come up with a game. Winners get a hundred dollars each."

The team looks at one another in excitement. They will certainly play whatever game Douglas came up with for money.

You, on the other hand, are skeptical. If a hundred dollars was on the line, that meant that the game must have been serious. Dangerously so.

"Wait, winners as in plural?" Oliver sits up from his position on the couch in interest. "How many winners will there be?"

Douglas still holds his smile as he lifts two fingers. "Two. This will be a two-partner competition."

"I choose Kaz!" Oliver clings to Kaz - who sits on his left.

"Bree!" Skylar turns to hug Bree.

Bree leans to the right a little, her face a little stunned before it turns to a smile. "I guess so."

You raise your eyebrows, but turn your head to the left to look at Chase. "I guess we're partners."

"Guess so." Chase scoots forward a little to sit on the edge of the couch. He speaks to Douglas, "What game are we playing, exactly?"

Douglas' body trembles in mirth. "I was hoping you would ask." He turns to his left - where there's a throw blanket draped over a trolley cart - and pulls the blanket away to reveal some high tech looking nerf guns and black shiny vests. "Now, this is like laser tag. You have to shoot your opponent's vest. The thing is, you only get five lives."

Bree shrugs, "That doesn't seem so bad."

Douglas chuckles, mischief gleaming in his eyes. You know that there's something else that he's not telling you.

"Now, here are the rules. There's not much; one, stay inside the tower. Two, do not go outside. Three, try not to hurt any people who may be in the way. Four, you can't hide throughout the whole game, and not contribute because that's a form of cheating, and you nor your partner will win the prize."

"Why does this feel like I'm heading into battle?" You ask him.

"Because you are." He answers, turning to the cart and missing your cool glare. He takes the vests and passes them out as well as the laser guns.

Oliver makes a noise, almost dropping the gun that he gets. "This is kinda heavy. Shouldn't guns be light?"

Douglas tries not to smile as he finishes passing the guns out. "Now, the game will start soon so put on the vests. Once I press this remote." Douglas pulls out a small remote from his back pocket. "Your vests and guns will be activated, and the games will begin."

"This sounds a lot like The Hunger Games." Bree comments as she adjusts the vest to fit comfortably. "Should I be worried?"

Douglas chuckles, "No."

"We should be worried." You say, tightening the straps on the sides to make it a little snug. "He's got something up his sleeve."

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