Heart and Logic

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- Chapter Ten -

"What happened?"

Trugging inside, Oliver and Kaz plop Chase on the couch as Skylar carefully maneuvers Chase's foot on the coffee table. 

Moving around the couch, you say to Douglas, "Chase sprained his ankle on the mission. He's gonna be outta commision for a while."

"It's not that bad." As Chase shifts, a hiss escapes his lips before he can muffle it.

"Uh huh, yeah." Douglas nods, not at all convinced. Turning to you, he says, "Make sure he takes it easy."

"Yeah, but that's until we get called on a mission. Then it's all on-" you wiggle your finger and poke him in the chest "-you."

Douglas shakes his head, his water bottle crinkling in his hands. "I was supposed to go on vacation!"

"For what?" Bree asks, walking over. "Doing nothing? You live in the tower and do who knows what."

"I don't just sit around and do nothing." Douglas places his water bottle on the kitchenette island. "I have to make a living, you know. I have to pop in often to make sure you guys are doing your job, Perry doesn't burn the place down." He counts all the reasons on his fingers. "Not to mention, I have to go to the academy to make sure everything is running smoothly, because lord knows those kids can get into trouble."

"It's a lot, we know." You pat him on the back.

Shaking his head, Douglas says, "I was planning to get away for awhile. But it all goes down the drain when Chase gets hurt. Thank you, Chase."

Offended, Chase says, "What did I do?"

Douglas shakes his head, waving him off. Douglas doesn't really mean it. "Well, goodbye, cabin."

"Who's going to a cabin?" Perry strolls through the front door, tossing her sweater carelessly on the three boys on the couch as she makes her way over.

"No one," Douglas grumbles, turning his back on the rest of you to open the snack cupboard.

"Shame, I could've used a vacation to escape you losers," Perry cackles, grabbing a green apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchenette island.

"Didn't you just take a vacation?" Skylar asks her.

Nodding, Perry chews on her apple. "It was in Alaska. Met an old friend of mine and went skiing. Look, we had the grandest time." Pulling out her phone from her pocket, she quickly turns it on and swipes through her gallery to show you all a picture of her and her friend - who's stuck head first in a pile of snow. 

"Is your friend all right?" Skylar asks, her eyebrows pinching in worry.

"Yep, she just never learned when to slow down." Laughing, she tucks her phone away as she turns to face the boys on the couch. "What’s wrong with Chad?"

Chase rolls his eyes, not bothering to correct her. "I sprained my ankle."

Perry hums in thought. "Too bad you didn't break it, I wanted to see the robot-bits inside." She mimics a robot, walking stiffly alongside the back of the couch going "beep beep beep."

Chase scoffs. "Even if I did break my ankle, you wouldn't be able to see anything because one, I am not a robot. And two, my skin wouldn't be torn open!"

Perry opens and closes her hand to mock his talking. "All I'm hearing is you denying you're not a robot."

"Perry, what are you even doing here?" Bree crosses her arms, now irritated with the older woman.

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