Heart Wide Open

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- Chapter Seventeen -

"You know, I never thought I would ever actually be inside the Egypt Pyramids." Kaz sweeps his flashlight up the walls of the tunnel, eyes scanning the dark and cramped space. "I actually never thought I would be a superhero going on life saving missions either."

Your lips quirk upwards in quiet amusement. "And yet, here you are."

Your first mission back on the team is quite exciting to say the least, being sent to Egypt to save a team of archeologists stuck and lost within the tunnels of one of the pyramids was baffling and yet quite scary. This particular pyramid is like a complex maze, and without the proper resources or supplies, a regular person would just be best to say their goodbyes because there wasn't a way to find your way out without proper supplies and a map.

The team of archeologists had been split in two groups, with two people going missing inside the pyramid with no means of communication. You and the team were split into pairs of two, so each pair was assigned a missing group.

"You don't think the people were searching for are dead, right?" Kaz asks, voice just barely above a murmur.

"I sure hope not." You shake your head. "Last we know, they were okay without any injuries. They stopped reporting back a few hours ago, I assume that they lost communication."

Your reassurances don't ease Kaz much, and your own doesn't ease you either. "Being stuck or lost isn't the best-case scenario for anyone. Why would they split from the group?"

"As if you don't do the same half the time were all together." You can't help but roll your eyes.

"You're the one that ends up coming with me!" Kaz shoots back and you can't help but nod in agreement.

"Yeah, but that's because so at least one of us is with you and we know that no one is alone." And although half the time (more than half really) Kaz doesn't have the greatest ideas, they're fun and you do join him for the fun but ultimately for his own safety (more so because theyre fun, but anyway).

"This place is creepy." Kaz shudders as you both keep walking down the dark tunnel. He wipes his sleeve over his forehead as he says, "It's small, dark, and cramped. Theres not much air ventilation and who knows how many corpses are down here." Kaz walks closely behind you as he asks. "What are those tombs called? The Sar-Sar?"

"Sarcophagus." You tune into your bionic senses, keeping yourself aware of any signs of any noise that may alert you to the missing people.

"If I see a Sarcophagus, I will lose it! What if the mummies come alive? What if were being haunted?"

Bree snorts through your comms. "Mummies? Kaz, they're dead."

"You don't know that!" Kaz whispers in panic. "We have bionic heroes and superheroes that exist, and you're telling me that mummies cant come back to life?"

"This isn't The Mummy, Kaz. They're dead, how in the world can they come back?" Bree asks.

"Magic," Kaz says.

You and Oliver say at once. "Evil curses."

"Not you too, [Name]," Bree says. "Oliver, seriously?"

Oliver and Bree are paired together, and you can only imagine the look that she must sent to Oliver as he says, "Look, I've watched too many movies and read too many comics where such things happen."

"You believed in curses back on the island," you say to Bree, eyes tracking the ground. "Remember when Chase got cursed? You believed it was an actual curse, we all believed it."

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