Invasion of Privacy

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- Chapter Three -

"Okay, lean back a little more."

"This okay?"

"A little more."


"Perfect. Now stay still."

You throw a piece of popcorn high across the couch where Kaz is sitting. The popcorn arching high in the air before perfectly sailing into Kaz's mouth.

"Score!" Kaz booms, throwing his arms up in celebration.

A smile appears on your face as you shift more upright against the armrest of the couch, shifting the plastic blue bowl full of popcorn in your lap.

Oliver comes down the stairs with a raised brow, "Um, what are you guys doing?"

Bree - who is sitting on the soft blue chair - answers him as she flips a page of her magazine. "[Name] has been throwing popcorn into Kaz's mouth." She pauses for a brief moment, reading the magazine with a little sigh, "Which I have no idea why."

"Because it's fun," Kaz answers her, sitting more upwards to catch a flying piece of popcorn that approaches his way. He chews it with a smile, "She's really good."

"I never miss," you say. There's a hint of smugness hidden in your tone as you throw another.

"Really?" Oliver asks skeptically, rasing a questioning eyebrow.

"She has great aim," Kaz hits his thigh once, before opening his mouth to catch another.

"They've been doing this for an hour." Oliver jumps when Skylar closes the fridge. He may always know where she's at, but sometimes she catches him by surprise. "She hasn't missed a single one."

"It's true," Chase confirms from his seat at the little island in the kitchenette. He turns in his stool to face the living room.

"What time is it?" Bree asks, finally looking up from her magazine.

You arch a little in your seat to take your clock locket from your back pocket. "Eleven-twenty."

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask; what's with the locket?" Kaz sits up straighter, his feet hitting yours as he pulls them a little toward his chest.

"Nothing." You wear a puzzle expression, briefly tightening your hold on your locket.

Kaz shakes his head, "I don't think it's nothing." He holds his palm out, "Can I see it?"

You subconsciously bring the locket closer to your chest a little. "Why?"

"Well, you always have it on you and never go anywhere without it," Kaz informs as he shifts just a tad closer to you. "Can I?"

"Kaz, if she says no, it's no." Chase slides off his stool, ready to interfere at any moment. "Don't push it."

Chase knows that this locket is very significant to you, he knew that the moment he saw it. Even though he may not know why, he knows it holds great meaning and he won't pry. But he will interfere with anyone who tries to push you to do things, even though he knows full well that you're capable of handling yourself, and the person that's bothering you.

"But I wanna see it," Kaz reaches forward to grab it.

You pull away quickly, but there's not much distance between the both of you when you're already pressed up against the armrest. "Kaz, no!"

Kaz is persistent, successfully prying the locket from your hand. Kaz is quick to jump off the couch and run, and you're hot on his heels.


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