The Walls Around Our Hearts

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- Chapter Fifteen -

Little Foot swipes at the treat that Kaz teases her with, letting her get close enough before pulling it away. He does it once more, but Little Foot snags the treat, her little claws catching his skin: Kaz yelps, and Little Foot chows down in victory. 

She's able to charm everyone with her ample green irises and make everyone do just about anything for her. Chase pretends to be indifferent about her, but there are more than enough times you've caught him petting her or letting her lay against him for a nap (you've even caught him speaking to her as he fiddled with his latest invention, pushing her away gently as she got close to a bundle of wires as he carried on his one-sided conversation with her). Douglas is her weakest victim, and she and Douglas know it.

Once Perry knew you had a cat, she more or less went on a tangent as she pulled a wagon full of cat supplies into the apartment. ("Perry, we already have supplies for the cat," you tell her as she said "Knowing how much stuff gets blown up or destroyed by all you guys, you're bound to need more"). She dubbed herself Auntie Perry to Little Foot and planned several play dates between Little Foot and her cats.

"If her cats are anything like Perry, we do not want Little Foot hanging around her cats," Oliver had said as the team nodded in agreement. 

She twines around your feet as you nibble on a muffin, yowling her want for the food. She stretches up on her back legs, pawing her left foot on your jeans. One-handed, you scoop her up to your chest. She perches on your shoulder as you shove the remains of the muffin inside your mouth, cheeks bulging. 

"She's a menace!" Kaz walks over to the kitchenette, pointing an accusing finger at Little Foot. "A cute little menace!"

"Aren't all cats like that?" Oliver asks from the couch, surfing the channels on tv.

"All cats have their personalities." Chase sips his tea from the table. You turn to face him. Cheeks still bulging, you wiggle your eyebrows at him and he rolls a fond eye roll and turns to Kaz. "But all cats share a lot of qualities."

"Well, she's mean," Kaz grumbles as Chase grabs his wrist to check over his scratches. 

"Don't tease her with food and she won't scratch," you say to him, as Little Foot nudges your cheek.

"You're fine. Overdramatic, but fine." Chase lets him go, turning back to sip his tea.

"Like you?" Kaz rubs at his wrist, eyes narrowing in annoyance.

Chase arches an eyebrow at him. You pull Little Foot off your shoulder and bring her close to your face, bumping noses. "She's a sweetheart! Yes, you are!" you coo at her. She licks your nose as you hold her against your chest. "She's a baby."

Kaz scrunches his nose at Little Foot. "She knows exactly what she's doing."

"Stop antagonizing her then."


He won't and you all know it. This process will forever repeat until Kaz learns his lesson. 

Her attention zero-ins on Chase, and she meows for him. Chase narrows his eyes at her, pulling his mug closer to himself. 

"And what are we arguing about?" Bree comes down the stairs, her hair curled and makeup done. 

"Kaz being mean to the cat," you say, as Kaz sputters.

"Kaz, don't be mean," Bree says as she walks into the kitchenette to the fridge. 

He gapes. "I was not mean!" He points at Little Foot in your arms. "She was being mean. She scratched me!"

"You probably deserved it." She grabs a water bottle and closes the fridge. 

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