Consequences P1.1

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You were currently sitting in your room hugging your knees as you cried into them. Optimus was angry with all the children including you. The bots went on a dangerous mission, you were going to stay at base but Miko decided to go on the mission as well. You and the boys followed Miko into the groundbridge which lead you into a battle. You spotted Miko and were about to grab her but one of the decepticons saw you and ran towards you. You got smashed to the side of a rock and ended up with a broken arm, two broken ribs, and lots of bruises. Optimus was able to save you but after got angry with all of you guys. You remembered the sound of his rumbling voice as he raised his voice at you, Jack, Miko, and Raf.

Optimus had banned you guys from going to base. The bots did pick the others up and took them home but that was all. Optimus on the other hand didn't do the same. You could walk home but it was a little far away, but you had to walk home since Optimus wasn't picking you up for now. You walked home with tears in your eyes, Miko, Raf, and Jack had called out your name but you left out in a hurry. You knew the other bots were watching as you left but you didn't care. You wanted to be alone you just couldn't face anyone right now. You entered your empty house. Your parents hadn't been home for awhile. They were out doing "work". Really what hey were doing was partying. They didn't really pay much attention to you, they didn't really care for you in any way. You entered your room and threw your stuff to the wall and went to your bed. You cried into your pillow.

---- Arcee's Prov----

Okay yes, I know Optimus wants to teach the kids a lesson but the least he could do was pick Y/n up from school! We just watched as Y/n run out of the school and towards her house. The kids tried to stop her but were too late. She didn't even look back. We dropped the kids off and headed to base.

Arcee: What is wrong with Optimus! He hasn't picked Y/n up for a whole week now! He's making Y/n feel worse!

Bulk: I know but he's boss. Maybe Y/n just learns differently?

Arcee: Fine but Optimus hasn't even talked about her for the whole time he's banned the kids from going into base! This is getting out of hand. (or is it servo? I'm not sure!?!?!?!)

Bumblebee: *beep boop mm* (Yeah! Optimus is taking this too far we have to do something bulk!)

Arcee: I have a plan just do as I do.

----Ratchet's Prov----

I was working on the computer in complete silence. Even though I didn't really like all of the noise the kids made one of them was in a special place in my heart, Y/n. She didn't make a lot of noise and she was very respectful of my wishes. She would ask questions as to what Cybertonian anatomy was or how certain tools worked. I always though of Y/n as a daughter but never told her. Her parental unit weren't even there most of the time, so we became her family. I learned what family really means from Raf when Bumblebee had Megatron controlling him. He felt Y/n as apart of his family. He felt sad by the thought of Y/n all alone. Optimus hasn't picked her up for a whole week. Why? Whatever the reason is it boiled my energon to the pits. Why was Optimus being so emotionless towards her! I don't know what's with Optimus but it's annoying me and he better shape up.

Arcee and the other finally came back to base after dropping the kids off.

Arcee: Ratchet we need to talk.

Ratchet: What about?

Bulk: About the kids.

Bumblebee: (Beep) (We saw Y/n running out of the school crying! This needs to stop!)

Ratchet: Crying!? Okay this needs to end! We need to confront Optimus about this! This has gone too far!

Arcee: That's what I was going to do but I have something better in mind Ratchet.

Ratchet: Like what?

Arcee: Have Bumblebee continue to pick up Raf but also Y/n. When Optimus does go to pick her up and see Bumblebee picking Y/n up he will probably get jealous.

Ratchet: I don't know... this might lead to a worsening event. But if it will get Y/n and the other back here sooner then... I guess I will allow it.

Arcee: Okay then here's the plan. (She explains the plan to them)

Optimus walked in after they were done explaining the plan.

Optimus: What is going on?

Arcee: Nothing just talking. She hid her venom in her voice since she was still upset with the Prime.

Ratchet: Optimus how about you pick Y/n up tomorrow from school?

Optimus: I do not think that is wi-

Bee: (Whirls) Fine then ill go pick her up from school since she does need a strong bot to protect her from cons.

Optimus: I do not th-

Arcee: It's settled Bee will pick her up tomorrow.

Before Optimus could say anything everyone agreed. Optimus felt a little anger and jealousy rise in him. He was in love with Y/n but was afraid to tell her. Truly the reason as to why he was avoiding her was because he felt guilty for making her cry. He thought when he yelled at Y/n he lost his close bond with Y/n and panicked. He wanted to tell her his feelings but he was afraid. Now Bee was picking her up he felt as if all his chances might fade. He couldn't let that happen! He was determine to win your heart... if he had to fight Bee or any mech... human or not... he will fight them... For you.


I did have inspiration on doing this! I edited the story to my version, i dont remember who it was that made a fanfic that was like this but credit to them! Anyways hope you enjoyed the one-shot! Bye Pups!

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