To Cybertron And Back

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It was Valentine's day! The day were everyone showed how much they loved their friends, their family, their crushes, and for my case most of the time FOOD! But this year was different, I always made cards for my family, for friends, and showed love to my pets. But this time I'm going to confess to a certain bot. It's been a few months since I met the bots. Optimus was fighting Megatron and I ended up in the middle of the fight, I got captured and not long after Optimus saved me and took me back to the base to meet everyone. I remember the day, it was the most... surprising day of my life im not going to lie. I wasn't scared of them I was just surprised.

I held my breath as I waited for the Prime. Everyone was surprised when he chose to be my guardian. I looked up to the sky while I was on my porch. I looked up to the sky trying to see what shape or form the clouds were. I found one that looked like bunny holding a flower. Cute. I heard the sounds of a truck engine coming up. I looked down the street to see Optimus. I quickly got up and ran into the living room and grabbed my bag with all my cards. I checked quickly for the most important one, Optimus's. I took a breath in as I saw it. I walked out the front and locked the door behind me.

I ran up to Optimus and entered his cab. The door closed behind me and a seat belt fastened around me.

Y/n: Hey Optimus! How was the drive?

Optimus: It was good, no decepticons were around and I was able to come pick you up this time.

Y/n: That's good! Hey do you know what day it is?

Optimus: Um February 14. Why do you ask?

Y/n: do you know what happens on this day? The engine roared and he began to go back to the base.

Optimus: I do not. Please explain further.

Y/n: Its Valentines! It's the day everyone shows the love they feel for someone!

Optimus: Love?

Y/n: Yeah like they show their parents how much they love them, or their friends, and sometimes even crushes!

Optimus: What is a crush?

Y/n: A person you feel romantic feeling for but haven't told the person that they love that they feel romantic feelings for them.

Optimus: I see, we call them bondmates.

Y/n: Oh okay.

We talked a little more as we sped down the street. We finally made it to base, The door opened allowing us in. Optimus stopped and allowed me out with my things. He transformed and before he headed to the computer with Ratchet he smiled down at me. I went to the human area and sat down on the couch. I grasped the bag that was currently in my hand. I opened it and grabbed all my cards except for one, Optimus's. I want to give him mine last. I walked over to every bot and human in the base. The bots all nodded or smiled, Miko, Raf, and Jack gave me a hug. I also got cards from all the bots and humans. I smiled. What was most unexpected was that Optimus even gave me one but told me to wait to open it. Why? Also I thought he didn't know it was Valentine's day.

I opened up everyone's card, they were all wonderful, but one remained unopened. Optimus's. Optimus seemed to be down, so I decided that now was my chance. I grabbed my card for him and hid it so he wouldn't see it. I walked towards him to the point I was next to him. He had cards from all his team members, but he kept on shuffling through them to find a certain one, maybe he's looking for mine?

---- Optimus's Prov----

I knew what day it was I just didn't want Y/n to know I had made a card for her. When I handed it to her I felt so nervous, I had a plan. I told her not to open the card until 12 midnight. Everyone exchanged cards, I got everyones but one... Y/n. Maybe she just hasn't given hers to me just yet? I kept on shuffling through them all wondering if she was going to give me one. I was pulled out of trance when I felt a touch on my leg. It was Y/n.

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