Scars to Your Beautiful PT.4

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I stood shocked by what I had just heard. The people that came to my house a few days ago were aliens from a planet named Cybertron which by the way was in a war. I learned all of the bots names, their factions, everything I need to know. I had my head in my hands trying to comprehend the fact my sister brought aliens into our house. Alpha nudged your side which brought you back to reality. Your focus went directly to Alpha and placed a hand on his snout, he was in pain because of the fall earlier. He twisted his wrist and it hurt to walk on. He whined in pain which filled my heart with pain. I looked back at the bots.

Y/n: So why did you I don't know attack us!?

Miko: Well the bots heard my call with you and when you screamed we thought it was a decepticon. When we saw "Alpha" we thought he attacked you.

Y/n: I literally climbed onto his neck... myself...

Miko: Well um... yeah that was pretty dumb of me.

Y/n: Its okay ill just... take Alpha home and patch him up there or ill go back to the military base and-

Miko: WHAT GO BACK NO!!! Ratchet can take care of him! Right Ratchet!

Ratchet: I can only if Y/n stays. Cyber-wolves are very territorial and aggressive if their not with another pack member and Alpha seems a little agitated with just us being around Y/n.

Y/n: Okay ill stay. I just hope alpha isn't in too much pain to walk to med bay.

You placed your hand on Alphas injured wrist. Alpha looked at you and got up. He looked at the other bots growling especially at Optimus. He wasn't very fond of him. Alpha followed me into the med bay with Ratchet trailing FAR behind. Alpha laid on the berth whimpering. Ratchet came with a weird looking tech piece. Alpha growled heavily at him, Ratchet took a step back from him. I placed my hand on him to comfort him. Alpha relaxed and allowed Ratchet to scan him. Optimus came in.

Ratchet: He looks fine to me, but he does need to be off his feet for awhile.

Y/n: Okay Ratchet, thanks for checking him.

Optimus: If I may ask how did you find Alpha?

Y/n: Well one day we found something on our radars that something came down our atmosphere. I went to check it alone and found out it was Alpha. Alpha was aggressive at first but when I helped him, he made me one of his pack. I couldn't let him go under the microscope, so I played him as a car I had just gotten.

I know we may be different species and heck he's an alien, but I don't care! He is a being and all beings must be respected and if they need a home they should be welcomed anywhere they go, not be rejected because their different! I mean wouldn't we want the same thing if we wanted a place to call home. I don't believe in aliens being bad, I know there are some, but most can be good its just who you choose to be is what matters. I choose to protect beings not turn them away.

Optimus felt so moved by your words, he never encountered a human that had your mind set before. What you said shook Optimus forever, most humans like the government or the generals have not been so kind to them but you... you were different and he seemed to be drawn to you. This was proof that all beings could co-exist instead of fighting, you were proof. Some reason when you said that it gave him a warm feeling inside and also... hope? Hope for what? He wanted to find out, but for now he had to put it aside for now.

Ratchet: I am all done fixing his leg, he should be good to go. I also recommend he stays off his paw for awhile and rest.

Y/n: Okay will do.

Alpha got up and quickly sat down. He whined from the pain. I placed my hand on his wrist. He looked at me and smiled. He got up and lifted his injured wrist and walked with only four legs. He walked up to the human area and growled at all the bots. They took a step back to allow Alpha his space. He walked to a corner and laid down. I laid next to him to allow him to rest without worry. He rested his head down onto the ground. I petted his head until he fell asleep. I got up and headed to human area.

Miko: You and Alpha are really close y'know.

Y/n: Yeah but don't get jealous Ko your still my number one.

Miko: Im not jealous just... curious. I mean you never told me about Alpha.

Y/n: And you never told me about the bots but im not scolding you.

Miko: And im thankful for that. I mean that means you have experience with aliens then right.

Y/n: I have experienced a lot and one of them is aliens.

Miko: Wait what does that mean.

Y/n \: Nothing just... don't think much of it. I smirked and looked away leaving Ko confused and curious. But what you didn't know was you also left a certain bot curious as well.


Hey guys im not making this into a book just a lots of parts series. Hope you enjoyed this PT.4! Bye Pups!

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