Task Three

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Task Three, Seaver Parish of Alliances: Who Shot the Messenger?

I feel a shiver run down my spine, and grasp either of my arms at the shoulders, watching my breath ripple out in front of me. The room we've entered is darker than the last, but it doesn't seem to phase our apparent 'leaders', Tobias and Lumen, as they continue to march forward with an everlasting air of resilience. Mira carries on a bit of small talk with Amabel a couple feet ahead of me. Me, I don't really care for conversation, not in this death trap. I prefer to remain alert, completely focused on our goal.

Miles suddenly skips out from my shadow, catching up to me and struggling to keep pace. "Hey." He says. I acknowledge him only with an irritated glance. But he continues to talk.

"Pretty crazy, right? Us; the alliance." He pauses in case I want to chime in. I pretend he isn't there and continue shivering. "I never thought I'd end up in one this big. I mean, I wanted to ally with that guy from Ten - "

"Tobias." I correct him before realizing I never wanted conversation anyway.

"Right, Tobias. But when I found out he had all you guys too - well, I had to join. You guys are like, the big leagues." There's a small silence in which I truly consider his words, before he breaks it again, in a low whisper.

"Ever wonder why that blonde chick joined?" He jabs his thumb in Amabel's general direction. I must have looked confused, because chatty Kathy here decided to explain. "I mean, what's a Career doing with a bunch of losers from the lower districts?"

"You mean me." I say stiffly, fingers gripping around my shoulders without my even realizing it.

"Us too. I mean, I'm from District Seven. You hardly hear of anyone from Seven coming out victorious. I mean there was of course Johanna, and Blight. But I mean, other than them, my district really has no victors. And Ten, boy, they're like, almost unessential. The nation might get away with obliterating their occupation altogether. Five is really important, but in the games, not so much. They may have cunning tributes, but at some point, brute strength becomes what is necessary to claim victory. Not many of Five's tributes have that. Then Twelve, and, well, you know." His eyes glanced up at mine, searching them to make sure I wasn't offended. He did have a point, Amabel was really the misfit of the group. What were her motives for joining the rest of us in an alliance?

I leave Miles' side to walk up and tap her on the shoulder when suddenly a bright light streams in from in front of us. We're all blinded, and then it's chaos as troops march in and take us all away. They're Peacekeepers, but what I want to know is why. What are they doing in the arena?

"Get off me!" I kick and flail my legs around, hoping to get one of them where their protective gear doesn't cover them. "Let me go, what do you want?" I watch my allies struggle to free themselves as they're each dragged into separate rooms. A heavy door swings shut just as soon as I'm in one of the small, nearly empty rooms; Aside from plain, boring walls and a wooden floor, there are two chairs and a table set up in the center of the room. On the table are refreshments; water, lemon water, some tiny cookies, the likes. I'm pushed down hard into one of the chairs opposite the other, and huff, crossing my arms over my chest. I freeze, my face drained as my eyes catch on a picture frame on the wall ahead of me. I see all the familiar faces of those I love; Granny, Rarity, and Djaq. They seem happy. I wonder where they got the picture, but have no time to ask as part of the wall begins to fold and I see its a door, well hidden in its place.

"Here." A Peacekeeper hands me a small hunting knife, and stands stone-still at the end of the room, behind me. I grasp the handle of the knife, getting the feel of it as the person enters the room.

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