Caspin Wickham: entry into Shelter Scandia, by WelcomeToPanem

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An interesting author games in which Solar Flares have given certain humans special abilities. Not entirely sure where the tasks will take us, but definitely interested as well as excited. Totally recommended.

Name- Caspin "Cas" Wickham

Age- 9, although some would attest that his size gives him the appearance of a seven year old.

Gender- male

Appearance- Cas can almost always be seen with the remnants of a smile on his lips, and the sparkle of curiosity in his deep, round eyes. With every ounce of his being Cas tries to appear happy, for the sakes of everybody around him. Maybe just one smile from the little boy with chocolate curls and ebony eyes will brighten someone's day. His high cheekbones and large dimples make his smile one worth cherishing. He's probably only three or four feet tall, and has a naturally small frame. Many people mistake him for a younger age. Cas's skin is a smooth olive tone.

Personality- Cas is definitely a people-pleaser, he's only satisfied if everyone in the room is enjoying themselves, or at the very least happy about something. He is very nervous around tall, muscular men, perhaps because his father was not entirely a great example of love and kindness. He's tolerable of younger men, but prefers the company of older, kind women. Cas is a man of few words, but a very good listener. For a long time in his younger years he wouldn't speak at all, but eventually he came to terms with using words, and occasionally could go on and on about the things that he loves. And he loves a lot. Though he doesn't have many friends of his age, he does quite well in social settings.

Background- To begin, Cas is an only child. His mother married a man she thought to be a prince, or her knight in shining armor, but his true colors slowly began to show as Cas was growing up. Cas never felt safe when he was at home, and often feared for his mother's life at the flare of Abe Wickham's temper. He was never so caring and social until he was about eight, when his mother finally left her abusive husband and they moved to Albuquerque. By then he began to feel more comfortable talking to others at school, but still didn't quite adjust, and made few friends. He attended a new school after the move, a school which he was just beginning to enjoy when the Flares hit. Cas had been on his way home as quickly as he could when they began striking Albuquerque, but came home to find his mother outside their home, most likely calling for him, dead in the sand. Cas was devastated, as one can imagine. He was so devastated that he remained outside by her body as the next wave hit, and he was struck. Thinking that he'd be in heaven by the next time he awoke, he was surprised to find that he was still alive, even after that full-on blast of radiation. It felt both thrilling and terrifying to the young boy. He had to leave without a proper burial for his mother, but he swore to come back with someone who could help put one together for her. He searched the houses close to his own, but found no one. Cas thought there would be more survivors deeper in the city than he found in his neighborhood, but still he found not a single soul until he reached a stretch of desert just beyond it.

Weapon of Choice- Cas is better at hiding than anything else, he'll leave the fighting up to everyone else.

Mutation- Cas has a very special gift, but one that may also be perceived as highly dangerous for such a little boy. He has the ability to summon rainclouds and water, but also to summon a great sand storm. At the moment he has no idea how he should approach controlling his powers, but at the most he knows that if he remains calm and cheerful, his powers won't spiral out of control. He has the potential to create amazing things with his ability, perhaps a hurricane, or a blinding storm to distract their enemies whilst keeping an eye on their movements through the feeling of the sand through his veins.

Other- Cas has carried around a small satchel with a bedtime story and his favorite teddy bear since he left his house. He refuses to put it down.

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