Maysilee Connors - @CrimsonSilhouettes' entry

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just so everyone is aware, CrimsonSilhouettes is responsible for this character and her forum. However, Crim had to unexpectedly drop out, so she and the host of Video Games allowed me to take over Maysilee. :) from here out all the entries for Maysilee will have been written by yours truly.

Name: Maysilee Connors

Pronunciation: (first) May-sil-ee

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Number: 5

Appearance: Jaw-length brown hair styled in a spikey fashion out the back, a neat sideways fringe on her right, peachy skintone, hazel eyes, petite lips, stands around 5'3", not the most athletic build, but definitely fit/slim, long, slender fingers (great gamer/piano player).

Personality: Out-going, friendly, a bit intimidated at times whether it be her lack of social skills or inferiority to others, quiet as contradicting as that sounds, few have been known to bring out her wild side. She can also be competitive at odd times.

Family: Fam: Carol, mother. Father, deceased. Siblings, one brother who happens to be away at college.

Background: Maysilee lived in the same quiet town her whole life, her mother thought a move would be unneccessary. She's a bit new to gaming, but once she got the hang of it, she's been hooked ever since. She's eighteen, but at sixteen found herself to be pregnant. After ten months she gave birth to a petite baby girl sharing much of her own characteristics. Annie is Maysilee's whole world, aside from gaming. As for May's father, his death came too soon, at the young age of five May found herself fatherless as the drugs and alcoholism took over her daddy's life. She remembers little to nothing of him, his absence does little to rattle her.

Likes: Chocolate, strawberries, video games, outdoors, friends.

Dislikes: Liars, cheats, tomatoes, cheap games, bullies.

World Record for Which Game: Need for Speed Most Wanted (I'm not a gamer, so I chose a random game I got off the internet. :| )

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