Burd Sisal, entry into "Author Games: in Wonderland"

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A game for which I am overwhelmingly excited for, lostwithmyfriends has chosen to base their Games on the beloved classic, Alice in Wonderland. I'm thrilled to see what they'll come up with in future tasks!

Name: Burd Sisal

Age: twelve

District: Eight - textiles

Gender: female

Physical Description: Burd has pale blue eyes and thin, blonde hair. She has pale skin, she's very small, and she looks innocent enough. Perhaps she is a little small, stunted growth due to lack of proper nutrition most likely.

Personality: Burd is very quiet in the company of strangers. She's very observant, very skeptical for a child, and very straight-forward. Her hobbies include stitching, sewing, cooking, and cleaning. For a twelve-year-old she certainly has no time for nonsense. She's an intelligent, serious, and very polite little girl.

Past: Burd's mother died just as she was being born. She grew up taking care of her ill father, leaving little to no time for enjoying childhood. Burd has few friends her age, but the adults around the district certainly know her by name. She's very good at bargaining for the things she and her father need to survive the cold, polluted District Eight. She can often be found on street corners, along with her box of sewing supplies, advertising her advanced stitching abilities. She cooks, stitches clothes, and cleans them for a small sum of money. She might also lend a hand any way she can to earn a few cents to buy food and fabric.

Strength/Weakness: her strength is her endurance, her weakness is her size.

Other: n/a

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