Task One

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 Tyler Burns of Writer Games: Video Games. Task One:

The Night it All Changed.

Video Games: 1st Entry.

I shove the door to Mandy Alcone's two-story mansion open, my hands turning to fists, the burn of alcohol still lingering in my throat and across my chest. Mandy's parents had been out of town, so she figured this was the perfect opportunity to throw one of her million-dollar parties, inviting fifty guests who in turn brought a plus two or three each. Needless to say, her "innocent" dance party became overrun with thugs from the ghettos and kids who thought it would be fun to bring liqour, and sell it to the teenagers illegally. As I left I thought, good riddance, those fools might very well end up killing somebody. I didn't really know where I was going, just away from here. I'd probably wander for ages; I was drunk off my ass, luckily still smart enough to know I couldn't drive. Perhaps I'd head to the marina, soak my feet in the ocean, stare at the reflection of the moon or something stupid and poetic. I didn't care; I just relaxed as the music began to fade into the background. At first Mandy put on some basic hip-hop, for the dancing, but as her party was hijacked someone decided Icon For Hire would be better suited for drinking and raping defenseless drunk girls. I think if I'd been sober, I would've stopped some of them at least. But at the time I just walked, thinking of nothing but my destination.

As I made it half a block down, my roommate Danny came running towards me from the back. He crashed right into me, nearly knocking us both over. It was evident that he, too, had become so drunk he couldn't see straight. His breath wreaked of alcohol, but then again so did mine, I couldn't really tell the difference. In his hand which wobbled to and fro, he clutched a bottle of scotch or something. He was laughing hysterically, speaking almost in another language. Whether he was too drunk to form coherent sentences or I was too drunk to understand them was unclear. I could only grin and walk in a shamble down the sidewalk. Every few seconds a car would pass by, or we'd see one parked beside the street and kick it's tires or something.

"Man, ou shulda - hihu - seen 'er face." Danny managed to say, drool falling from his freshly pierced lip. Some kid brought like, an 'official' piercing kit or something. A lot of the guys, and girls, were getting them. It was hard to tell, but it looked like Danny's lip was oozing blood as well as saliva. I chuckled, knowing he meant Mandy. She was furious last I saw of her. I couldn't wait to hear the gossip tomorrow on campus. Since I graduated last year, I got a temporary job at the school as a teacher's assistant-type thing. Most of the time I got stuck in an office sorting paperwork or running the library. All in all, it wasn't a bad job to have, but it wasn't my ultimate goal. I was working towards something bigger, someday I was gunna make something out of myself just to prove my parents wrong about me, that I actually could amount to something in this life.

"Dude, hawt chick - hihu - three o'clock." Danny muttered, hiccuping mid-sentence as he steared me towards a woman about 5'2" with flowy brown hair. Her hair looked like ribbons of chocolate whipping about in the moonlight, I tell you we were so drunk we could hardly tell the difference between a Hershey's bar and this woman's hair. She looked about twenty-one, maybe older. But we cat-called that girl so hard she had to force herself not to raise her head in our direction. Of course she knew we were drunk, she had to. We could barely stand up, Danny still clutched the bottle of merlot, and our voices sounded all weebly-wobbly.

"Heyyy, my frind here is single. Can come over an' tuch him?" I knew enough to punch Danny in the ribs for his comment. He collapsed and started laughing, trying desperately to regain his balance and walk away. To my complete surprise, the woman stopped, and stared at us. I was standing straight, somehow managing to keep myself from toppling over, but Danny was still failing to stand up. Finally, with the help of a garbage can nailed to the cement, Danny pulled himself up and walked away, muttering something like "I'll leave you two to the moonlight." Hiccuping as he tripped over his own feet.

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