Cocoa and cafés! 9

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Soon enough we were out of the neighborhood and into town. I pulled Clay onto my shoulders and ran through all the back ways and alleys I could find.

I turned a corner, fast, and smashed into something. Gosh darn my clumsiness!

"Do you always run into people to say hi?"


There was a long and quite awkward pause as Mitchell and I were strewn about on the ground.

"Hello? You in there?" Mitchell said waving a hand in front of my face.

Smacking his hand away I turned my face away from his, blushing slightly. "Oi... Why did it have to be you?" I said, mainly talking to myself, "Anybody else would have been just fine." I shouted the last part and turned my head to the sky, slightly accusing fate.

"Well thanks..."

Standing up he put out his hand and helped me to my feet. His smile was quirky, and he chuckled a bit when I stumbled.

I turned from him, masking my embarrassment. His brown tousled hair covered his eyes as he looked down and chuckled. This was awkward...

I picked up Clay from the ground and hoisted him into my arms like I was cradling a baby, a very heavy baby...

"I-is that a bear?!" Mitchell exclaimed, pointing toward Clayton.

I sighed, this man was dense... "No, its a leprechaun dressed up as a unicorn, disguised as a bear."

He laughed, his deep blue eyes meeting mine and then Clayton's.

"I've never met a leprechaun before!" He teased.

We laughed; a friendly gesture that wasn't supposed to be made. He was no friend.

Clayton looked to me and then to the strange man. Mitchell wasn't a very tall man, he was about 5'10" with brown tousled hair that almost fell in his deep blue eyes. Clay let out a snort of disapproval and turned away.

Clay wriggled out of my arms and jumped to the ground in front of Mitchell, glaring up at him and pacing from one side to the next, looking him up and down. Suddenly he froze, staring at Mitchell's hands that rested behind his back.

I moved my head to see behind Mitchell, but he quickly moved in my way. What was he hiding?

Clayton cocked his head to the side, confused.

"Uh, well would you like to get that coffee with me now?" Mitchell's voice was pleading and he was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I didn't answer at first, my curiosity filling my mind, "W-what's that behind your back?"

"I'll tell you if you come have coffee with me. My treat!" A dorky smile formed over his lips, tugging at the corners.

There was a very long, very awkward pause. I swiveled my head around as fast as I could, but to no avail, he turned his body again so I couldn't see behind him.

"What is it!?" I whined.

"Come with me and I'll show you." A cocky grin beamed down at me.

"Fine... Now show me!" I shouted, again trying to see behind the stubborn boy.

"Ah, ah, ah." He said waving a finger back and forth in front of my face and shaking his head, "After we get our coffees."

"Oi vey."

He laughed, throwing his head back as he did so.

We didn't have to walk far before we got to a little café. It was a cute, very artsy place.

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