Lost and annoyed. 15

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"Hehe, Clayton seems to have found some friends. When do we get to play again?" A little girl with the most beautiful topaz eyes asked, watching him through a charmed looking glass.

"Soon my dear, soon." A manic smile pressed at the lips of the Master of the Guild.

The young girl beamed at him, quite pleased with his answer, her cute blonde curls bouncing as she did in excitement.


Lai's eyes filled with excitement as she completed her potion with out an explosion, first time in a very long time that has happened.

"Now lets just hope it works." She mumbled to herself.

She poured the green liquid onto a plants leaf, slowly and making sure not to get any on anything else. The plant had no reaction for a moment, but then it grew an inch or so bigger than it had been before.

"Finally!" Lai squeaked. But her excitement didn't last long, the

plant grew another two inches, then four, six... "Oh no..."

"AIEEEEEEEEE!!!" Till ran to the green house on the side of the

cottage, coming to Lai's aid. And there it was, a gigantic plant

consuming the entire green house. Till walked through the forest of leaves and vines, "Lai! Are you in here?" She yelled out.

"Over here!" She replied, walking past another massive leaf and moving to Till's side.

"Another potion gone wrong?" Till questioned.

Lai was embarrassed, looking away from her mentor's questioning eyes. "Y-yeah..."

"What happened? Did you go by the book?"

"I did! I swear it!" Lai looked back to Till, concern written all over her face. "Well, at least I think I did..." She trailed off.

Till just looked at her, exasperated. Lai wasn't the best at magic, she always seemed to forget one thing or another, one time she made what was supposed to be a skin potion, all it did was make Araetta throw up for hours. Ever since, Till and Araetta don't test out Lai's

potions themselves.

Araetta broke into the room, "We hav- ...What happened in here?"

"Umm... Well, you see, I made a growth potion... It just... worked a little too well." Lai explained.

"Yeahhh." Araetta said, looking around at the massive vegetation. "Anyways, as I was saying, we have got to go flying today! It's the

first day it hasn't rained this week."

A smile burst out on Lai's face, "Oh yes, can we?" She asked excitedly.


Flying always made Lai and, to be honest, Till and Araetta feel

better. After today's potion fiasco Lai was really needing a flight to get her head -rather literally- in the clouds.

Lai flew with her eyes closed, just feeling the wind whip through her short curly hair. Tara and Lai seemed to be in sheer bliss as they flew past open fields and even a few ponds, the water seemed nice and inviting.

"Hey guys! There's a small pond down there, you wanna swim?" After hearing no response she turned her head and looked around. No one, there was no one in sight. She had flown too far from the others. Lai turned around and started to search for them, but there was one problem, she had no idea where she was or how far she was from the cottage.

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