Frozen and confused. 16?

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"Do you want me to stay the night?" Mitchell asked in a hushed tone as Clayton and Phelan fought over the bed situations.

I chuckled looking over to the boys, "I think I can handle them."

At that moment, as if on queue, a loud crash emitted from the living room. We turned to see Clay and Phelan standing around an old shattered lamp, each pointing a finger at the other.

Of course...

Mitchell smirked at me, "You sure about that?" We both broke out in laughter as Clay and Phelan stared at us, dumbfounded at our outburst.

Mitch did end up staying the night in the abandoned house with us again, albeit on the floor near the door. The boys still didn't trust him. Clay and I slept on the couch while Phelan kept close.

That night I quietly slipped out the glass door, hoping to get away and to myself, even if just for a while. I climbed onto the roof, loving the night air on my face. It wouldn't be long before the sun rose and Clayton and I took our run in the woods. See, we haven't had much time together since Phelan, and as of late, Mitchell joined us, but every morning since we get up the earliest, we go for a run in the woods together.

I stared up to the stars. We'll have to move out of here very soon, those hunters still know where we are, not to mention that many others may know as well.

Why exactly were those guys hunting me anyway? Who did they work for? And since they came back empty handed will they send someone else...

My mind was riddled with questions but my eye lids were getting heavy and it wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep in the moonlight. The crickets singing and wind gently blowing on my face.


Lai threw down the sticks she had been rubbing together. "This is useless!" she shouted in aggravation.

Lai and Benjamin had decided to camp the night in the woods, they really didn't have much of a choice, it was too foggy to fly or walk and on top of that... They were lost.

"Here." Benjamin came over and, with a snap of his fingers, made fire on the log they had found and camped near.

Lai scoffed, "Show off."

"What ever you say princess." Benjamin smirked at her, obviously pleased with himself, much to Lai's annoyance.

With no shelter but the trees and no blankets, the night was miserable, it had dipped to well below freezing. Both the two didn't get much sleep at all, every time they started to drift off something made a noise, whether an owl hoot or rustling in the bushes, and their senses went off the charts! Sleep was practically impossible that night.

The morning was not much better. Lai and Benjamin had finally fallen asleep, but they woke to a down pour of rain. Their eyes shot open with the cold sting of the rain, they had been sleeping side by side and when Lai noticed she scrambled to get away from Benjamin.

"Awww I was warm." He said, mocking a shiver.

"W-well too bad!" Lai replied in a rush to find something to say. In all honesty she had regretted moving, it had been much warmer next to the strange warlock. Now the rain poured onto her mercilessly, soaking her to the bone.

"We need to get out of this rain." She said through chattering teeth, her arms wrapped around herself for warmth.

They walked and stumbled to find shelter, there was none to be found though they walked, freezing for over an hour, but with no luck. The woods seemed to go on for forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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