Maria and Aonani! 12

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***A/N! So incase you hadn't read the authors note in the previous chap, this chapter is a joined chapter with KiomiOresama! She was the one who wrote the guidelines of this story! Everything in this chapter was based off of her chapter 8 of her story predator! Please read it :)***

I stared wide eyed at the boy below, his violet eyes trained on me.

Slightly, I backed up, positioning my feet to jump to the next tree if necessary. My eyes were still fixed on the boys but out of the corner of my eye I could see the girl staring at me. Was she a threat too?

She had a confused and slightly pained look on her face as she stared at me. I turned my gaze toward her -still keeping on look out for any sudden movement by the boys- and gave a pleading look.

'Help.' I mouthed slightly, hoping she would catch it. If she had she didn't show it.

They made a half step towards the tree but the blue eyed girl grabbed their arms. The strawberry blonde boy broke free and came forward, clutching the tree I was standing on. He pulled himself up -with a bit of complication-, bringing himself closer to me. I was about to jump to the next tree when the girl yanked him down by his shirt. She was protecting me!?

"Can't you two tell that she doesn't understand...?" She said barely audible, grasping his arm to hold him back.

It was the white haired boy's turn to speak up, "Maria... She's tricking us. She'll wait then turn on us when our backs are turned. That's what they all do..."

I was going to do no such thing!

He looked to the girl with sadness and pity, "I know it's hard..."

She looked furious and cut him off, "She doesn't know what's going on! It's not that it's hard!"

Utter shock was blatant on my face. Does she know?

She climbed the tree -surprisingly well seeing as the first branch to get up was well above her head- and sat only a few branches under me. About twelve feet from the ground.

"If you want her, you'll have to get me down first." She shouted to the two very annoyed boys below us.

I couldnt move, I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't take me. I couldn't even breathe, I just stood there like an idiot.

"Come on Aonani! Move!" I thought to myself.

The girl, presumably named Maria, looked up at me, her face softening as she smiled a bit. Was she on my side? She didn't seem like she could really hurt anyone...

The boys were having a quite heated argument below us. I would tell you what they were talking about, but it's too disturbing to repeat...

Maria, slowly (and slightly shakily) climbed higher up the tree, closer to where I stood. My feet shifted ever so slightly at her closeness. I wanted to run, I really did, but my stupid legs wouldn't take me away. Looking back down to the boys, I watched carefully, looking at every inch of clothing for possible weapons. Nothing.

"Alo." My eyes shot back to Maria, her hand outstretched towards me. "My name is Maria. What's yours?"

I studied her carefully. Still didn't seem to mean any harm, but I couldn't risk her pulling me out of the tree so I watched her and didn't move till she dropped her arm. I thought about telling her my name, establishing some fake trust so, if need be, I could take her out easier. A simple knife to the the throat would suffice if she trusted me.

Just as I shook the sadistic thoughts from my head I saw the girl start to adjust her position it the tree.

"Don't do it," I thought to myself, "your going to--"

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