Witches and brooms. 8

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The moon was high and the sky was full of stars, a clammy breeze flowed through the air, it was perfect night for flying.

Araetta, Till and Lai were taking a midnight flight though the summer's air, laughing and playing broom tag. It was nice to get out of that stuffy old cottage, Lai was done with training for the day so Till suggested a flight. Midnight flying was every young witches favorite way to spend the night.

The wind blew Lai's hair behind her as she zipped past Araetta, running their brooms against each other.

"Tag! Your it!" Lai said, sticking her tongue out at Araetta.

"I'll get you, you little squirt!" Araetta teased back.

Lai squealed and pushed her broom as fast as she could go.

To witches brooms are like pets, each one has a name and personality. Usually the character of the witch's broom compliments or is like the witch or warlock themselves. Lai's broom is named Tara, and is the complete opposite of Lai. She is quiet, shy and timid, while Lai is bubbly, giggles easily, and likes to state her opinion.

"Come on Tara! Let's go!" Lai squeaked, gripping her broom. Tara wasn't the most comfortable with speed...

Till swooped over, moving Lai out of the way of a very determined Araetta.

Till was the older one of the group and one of the kindest. She banked over to Araetta, taunting her. Araetta darted forward, taking the challenge. Before too long Araetta had caught up with Till. It wasn't hard either, Araetta's broom Demetrius was fast, and while Till's broom Magus was fast, he just wasn't as fast as Demetri.

Swooping under Till she made her move, smacking the tail end of Magus, making Till lose balance and crash into a tree's leaves.

Lai and Tara made a quick U-ey and took off to Till who was now stuck in a tangle of leaves. Araetta didn't even bother to help. Laughing she shook out her crazy, red, wind stricken hair and lazily made her way over to the two girls fumbling with tree branches.

Till's black hair was all caught in twigs and branches, her limbs hanging over the tree in awkward positions, her broom wiggling to get out.

Till and Magus -after a long struggle to get him to stop wriggling around- got out without any injuries.

An angry Till flew over to Araetta, "Araetta! What were you thinking? You could have easily hurt either I or poor Magus!"

Araetta just crossed her arms and stuck her nose in the air, "It's not my fault if you can't handle a stupid little pat on your precious broom."

"You know that that's Magus' soft spot!" Till was fuming now, leaving little Lai terrified behind her.

"I knew of no such thing." Araetta let out a huff, showing her annoyance.

Till flew off, angry and very annoyed with Araetta's latest deed. Araetta took off in the other direction, leaving poor Lai feeling confused as to where to go.

Till huffed off into their small cottage on the outskirts of a town called Bellspring, a very small town of about three hundred homes. Till and the others loved their little cottage on the hill, it was cozy and away from the eyes of pryers.

Throwing the door open, she stomped up the stairs and into her little dark room. Without turning on the lights, she flopped onto her bed face first, burying her head into one of the many pillows that laid beneath her.

"Why does Araetta always do these things?" Till thought, sighing into her pillow.

Magus laid near her on the bed, cuddling up next to her for comfort. Till smiled, "You're such a good broom." She said, stroking him gently. Magus wiggled a happy wiggle and snuggled closer.

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