Rain and more rain...

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Freezing and wet, we went on through the forest. Clay was making my shoulders go numb from him sitting on them, -about half an hour ago his legs hurt to move them from the cold- and the constant drops of rain were starting to feel more like needles with every drop.

Sighing I walked out into the open field that separated us from the town ahead. The openness of the field was not only colder than the woods, it was also more dangerous. Anyone could see us out here, and there would be no where to hide if they did.

The long grass and wheat stung as it whipped past my ankles, making every step more painful than the last. Maybe walking to town was a bad idea...

"I can get down now if you want." Clayton said, his body shivering from the cold.

"No, that's alright. You're warming me up anyway." I lied, his body was heavy and hurt my neck, but he wouldn't make it very far in this weather on his own. I looked up and gave him a reassuring smile.

Town wasn't too far off now, I could already see some of the streets. It wouldn't be too much trouble to find a shelter in this weather, every one would be inside now, so no one would see or bother us. I was thinking maybe we would stay in a dumpster or in a abandoned house? I believe I saw one just on the outskirts of town.

Another bolt of lightning shot through the sky, lighting it up, letting me see every detail of the dark streets of town for less then a second. The thunder shook the ground, making me stop so I wouldn't loose my footing. The lighting was getting closer, we needed to get under a roof somehow and quick.

At the edge of town we spotted an old looking house, sturdy but old. Looking closer we found two dogs living inside, feeding off of some poor rodent looking animal that had been torn to pieces.

I hope their friendly...

Clayton got down off of my shoulders, he stood slightly behind me.

Looking up at me, his eyes pleading as he spoke, "Uh, Ao... Can we spend the night somewhere else?" His voice shook.

I gave a warm smile, sighing I answered his plea, "Nope." My smile twisted into a wicked one and I stuck my tongue out. The truth was that we couldn't afford to look for a new place, it was too risky.

Walking on up to the house, I turned back to face the frozen Clayton, "Oh come on, ya big baby." I gave him a little wink, and walked right into the old, creepy, abandoned house.

The inside was just as spooky as the outside. White cloths were pulled over old furniture and drapes were torn, the whole thing looking like a set for a horror movie. Thank god it was daylight, but too bad that the 'daylight' was mostly dark from ominous clouds hanging overhead.

Clayton had walked in while I had been admiring the whole spookiness of it all, not noticing that he had, I jumped when his fur brushed against my pant leg. His mouth turned into a smirk as he gave a small chuckle.

"Now who is the big baby?" His voice mocking, I gave him a long scowl and turned back to look at our new abode.

"Seems nice enough to wait out the storm in." I said matter-of-factly.

My eyes flickered to the upstairs... Was that a shadow...?

Nah, no way that was anything, I am just paranoid.

Another bolt of lightning lit up the house, "D-did you s-see that!?" Clay's familiar voice rang out, frightened beyond explanation.

He saw it too! Great, we were going to die.

I stayed silent, half wishing this was all a bad dream. But sadly it was all too real, another flash of lightning confirmed that. There was definitely something up there, now to find out what.

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