Friends and foes. 4

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My jaw dropped, scanning the familiar figure. No, not him again!

He sat on his heels and took a good look at my leg, "Wow, that looks painful. Can I put a bandage on it for you?" he looked into my eyes, his deep blue eyes looked almost purple in the morning light. I had recognized those blue eyes instantly, it was the dude that saved me at the dumpster.

"No." I said flatly. Why was he here!? And how could I have not noticed him before?

"Are you sure? It could get really infected." He pointed out. Dang it, he was winning with logic...

We sat there in silence for a while before I gave in. With a pout I sat down on one of the rocks and held my leg out for him to work on. I didn't like getting help from people, but he seemed persistent so there was no point fighting a battle I could not win.

He dug though his bag a little, bringing out only a small white box with a red cross on the front. Why did he carry a first aid kit with him? He began pulling bits and pieces of rock out of my leg with a pair of tweezers.

"Ouch!" I yelped, as he pulled out a particularly large piece.

"Sorry!" He shouted looking up at me, then finished more quietly with another, "sorry." and looked back to his work. His face was looking like something I knew... My mind flashed to what I believe to be a memory. It was fuzzy but I think I was hugging someone and smiling, but then every thing changed, the image was blood spattered and frightening as their were horrid screams of agony and torture. I shook the images from my head, terrified. My entire body went tense, what had just happened? This was the first memory I had had since I woke up in that tree, and from that I am not sure if I want another one...

I noticed that he had stopped working on my leg and was now staring at me, he didn't say anything just watched my frightened expression. "I-is every thing all right?" He looked genuinely worried.

"I'm... Uh, I'm fine." I replied shakily, he wasn't convinced but didn't pressure the situation, maybe he was smarter than he looked. I looked down to my partially bandaged leg -guess he had finished with the rocks- and back up to him. He stared back for a second but got the hint after a bit and went back to work on bandaging.

"The way you killed that deer was amazing." He was quiet but I could still hear him quite clearly.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked cautiously. He studied me carefully, keeping a hold on my leg so I couldn't go anywhere.

"No," He said slowly as if I were stupid, pausing slightly before continuing, "I was hiking, and saw you chasing after the deer..." He trailed off.

"You were watching me?"

He looked up into my green eyes a little shyly, "Well... Yeah, but only cause you caught my attention, not because I was following you or anything... Although technically at the end I was cause you looked tired... But only to help you." The words were forced out quickly in his failing attempt to not seem like the stalker I'm sure he was. He wouldn't look me in the eyes anymore and I could swear I saw his cheeks turn a little red from embarrassment of being caught.

Raising an eyebrow I laughed, seeing slight relief cross his face as I did so, he seemed kind and he did trigger a memory, even if it was fuzzy. Either way I think I should talk with him a bit longer, see if he knows anything.

"Oh wow I don't even know your name and here I am rambling on." He turned his gaze back to me and gave a half smile, "I'm Mitchell." Holding a hand out for me to shake he nodded his head as of to say 'what's your name?'

"Aonani." I didn't shake his hand, catching the memo he lowered his arm and sat on a rock.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" He asked.

She has been forgottenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin