Chapter105: Losing the sun's light

Start from the beginning

"Why, down there, it's Harumi! Not just the clone, but the real one! It's really her. Aren't you all so happy?" He widened his eyes, the pupils becoming tiny as they flooded with insanity. Followed after, was the devil's laugh.

Growling, Cloud's ears perked up. No, she didn't feel safe around this 'Omega' person at all. Yet, her ears picked up on a sound coming from downstairs, she could hear it.

A scream, a terrified and long one. One that lasted like it was...some suffering message left by a dying angel. Point is, it harmed her hearing very much.

Cloud stood up from the cage and paced back and forth, trying to calm her nerves. Of course, she couldn't prevent herself from reacting such a resolution. Her eyes widened and her desire for freedom bit at her even more. She rushed over to the edge of the cage to try and find a better spot to listen for the noise.

Nix, lifting his paws from his face, raised a brow and just observed the Pomeranian pup.
Awfully odd behaviour coming from her at a time like this. He knew that she was not at all the silent one and would always beat the bush to something she discovered. Yawning slightly, he glared at her, not at all pleased with her reckless behaviour.

"What the heck are you doing? Didn't you hear the guy?" He stood up and joined her—however, he was stopped early when Cloud raised a paw, a sign for him to stay where he is.
He didn't need to think much to know what would happen to him if he dared make a bold move that would make her even more anxious. Nix laughs to himself, yeah, no. Another scar won't do, he was sure of it.

"Are you planning something?" This time, he cut to the chase and showed no suspicious behaviour—unlike her, who refused to say anything to him and relied on her muzzle and small ears.

Cloud merely rolled her eyes and glare away from the Husky. "I think I hear Harumi and I think I may know which room she's in exactly." She concluded with a small whisper.

What a bold claim of hers that was. Nix prevented himself from address a laugh directly to the Pomeranian. Knowing that she wasn't up to anything that posed a threat for this cage of theirs, Nix laid his head back down on the bottom of the metallic space. "You're insane, we're a rooftop of one of the highest buildings in Ninjago." He muttered.

"Get some rest or something, you need it. Don't blame me if you end up hallucinating the enemies as dog chews." He grinned, joking at that and quite frankly, expected a little jab on Cloud's part like she would do so or even just a little disapproving bark. But no, all he received was another eye roll. The puppy was too focused in her own personal plans to pay attention to his attempts at helping her.

She squeezed her little body and growled at the metallic bars in front of her before charging directly at them, trying to squeeze through to no avail. Even if she failed several times, she didn't give up. Stiffening up and squeezing her paws together, Cloud tried again and again and again, all of this unlimited energy was to save her beloved owner Harumi.

Nix initially started watching her with an amused grin. But slowly as he noticed her failed attempts over and over again, his grin fell and was replaced with a pitiful look instead.
As a new day finally started, no one would be surprised if they forgot how many days have they been kept hostage by the oni. One would guess three or four days but again, being locked up in the same empty space for more than five hours was not only nauseating but cruel.

Watching the sun rise, Kai blinked. He woke up earlier than the rest of the resistance including the ninjas. He'd been looking at the sun a lot lately, perhaps it's because it's the only source of light in the dark territory. Plus, now they were up here, he felt more connected to Ninjago's light in a way? He sighed and leaned back against the bars, his lips trembled as they pronounced inaudible words:

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