Chapter 11: Omen

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Luc's POV

I woke up with a headache and a nightmare I couldn't recall. I squinted into the darkness and waited as my eyes quickly adjusted. I sat up in bed and felt someone snuggle against my side. I flinched and my immediate response was to push whoever it was away until I realized that the one snuggling against my side was Vincent. I stared at his face as I rubbed my forehead and recalled the events of last night. I thought of hugging him close and staying in bed for a while but I had a feeling I might start molesting him in his sleep if I did that. I didn't want to be anything even remotely close to my childhood molester who always groped me in my sleep.

With a sigh, I climbed out of bed. The anxiety pills always gave me the feeling of a hangover when I woke up. I guess these meds required you to sleep for a while but I wasn't habituated to sleeping long. I could sleep for six hours straight if I hadn't slept for two to three days on a stretch but it is quite normal for me to sleep a maximum of two to three hours every night. I could go on like normal even with a half an hour of sleep. Sleep wasn't that necessary to me, you could say.

Looking out of the windows I could tell that it would be around 3.30 or so now. I went to the bathroom to quickly prepare for going out for a run again. I've always liked the outdoors even normally and being cooped in a small space made that urge stronger. That's why I had a huge collection of running shoes kept in this house. I thought of the shoes I kept outside last night and shrugged. Someone would be coming to clean my house in the morning.

I checked through my phone and replied to the urgent messages. Wearing the monitoring device restricted me from using the phone or Inci when it is on. Of course I checked my phone and replied to the messages when the monitoring devices were off me but I couldn't answer some phone calls immediately sometimes. Taking the fully charged monitoring device, I put it around my neck and my wrists. I stared at them warily. I hoped the camera feed I was giving the viewers were satisfactory.

There were collars, feet and wrist manacles with cameras on many of my mum's slaves. Taking a live feed from one of them wasn't that hard. But the hard part was in finding a person with similar build as mine who had a similar lifestyle as me. The guys I thought had similar body frames as mine were unfortunately nothing at all like me. In their private time they were either sleeping, masturbating, watching porn, playing adult porn type games, guzzling beer and eating shit...erm..not shit literally but junk stuff. Like who even combines mayonnaise, mustard, onion rings and cheese to eat with garlic bread? The very thought made me want to puke.

Unfortunately, I had to use their camera captures so far but it worried me that someone would figure it wasn't me. However, I knew it wouldn't be easy to catch me. Inci was pretty good at manipulating video images for cameras because I used that usually when we broke into some high security places in raids. So I am pretty sure Inci would be doing a good job even now. I select the video feeds I wanted and Inci did the rest to make sure it looked similar to something that was happening in my settings. Also, Inci ensured that the videos moved from the recordings to real life settings seamlessly when I put the monitoring devices on my neck.

"Fifteen minutes to go before moving to you master." Inci stated as soon as I put on the devices. I sighed as I sat down and waited for Inci to manipulate the videos so that nothing seemed amiss to the viewers when I switched over to live mode.

I used my phone to check the hacked video feed to see up to where the video feed progressed. I sat down near the small dining table and watched what everyone else thought I was doing. I scratched my hair at that. I had given Inci the videos to work with but I must admit that I didn't have the time to fully go through what the people were doing before giving it to Inci to compile the video feed. I looked away. Watching someone taking a dump and showering weren't exactly the most comfortable things to watch.

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