Chapter 5: Negotiation

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Vincent's POV

I woke up rubbing my eyes and looked around at the warm lighting in the cottage until I saw Luc seated beside the table, appearing to work on a hologram like laptop. The bed was cold on his side. So I knew he had been up for a while now. I jolted up in bed when I recalled where we were. We had to go home. At the sound of my jolting out of bed, Luc glanced back at me.

"You are up?" Luc asked and I watched the hologram like laptop disappearing. I rubbed my eyes once again at the table when I saw there was nothing there when Luc came over to me. What was that? Was it my imagination? I wondered to myself. Maybe I wasn't as awake as I thought.

"Are you feeling better?" Luc asked me, touching my forehead.

"Hmm..why do you ask?" I asked sleepily.

"You seemed a bit feverish when I called you earlier. You wanted to sleep longer." He told me. My eyes widened. I didn't recall him calling me but it had been so cozy with him sleeping beside me. If he had called me, I am sure I wouldn't have wanted to wake up.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"It's past six thirty in the evening now." He told me and I groaned, trying to get out of bed.

"We should be going now. The kids will be worried." I told him.

Luc smiled as his eyes lingered over my face.

"I'll call the driver to come and pick us up now. We got our dried clothes back." Luc told me. I stared at the sweater he was wearing. It was the same one he was wearing earlier this afternoon.

I was about to get out of bed and go to the bathroom when I recalled I needed to talk to Luc.

"Luc..wait! Hold on a bit to call the driver. I have to talk about something with you." I told him.

"Okay. I'll wait then. Go, get ready and come. I'll go check on how Rage is doing." He told me. I blinked at that wondering why he hadn't checked on Rage when he obviously woke up a lot earlier than me.

"Did you wait for me to wake up?" I asked him and Luc looked at me.

"Why do you ask?" He asked me.

"You didn't go and check on Rage all this time." I told him.

Luc chuckled at that. "I didn't want to leave you alone when you were sleeping in a strange place." He told me.

I smiled at that. "Thank you." I told him.

Luc didn't say anything but he left the room and asked me to keep it locked. I smiled. He did these little thoughtful acts that always made me smile. What was I smiling at? Probably every boyfriend or husband did the same. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that smelled like it was immersed in mouth wash. I didn't know he had mouthwash. But apparently he got it somehow. I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly before changing my clothes. I collected the toiletries we had in the bathroom and packed it in the bag that had our cleaned clothes. I also packed both mine and Luc's dirty clothes in it, including our blanket. Luc returned a while later and looked surprised at me packing everything.

"Why are you packing all those?" He asked me.

"Well, we are going home, aren't we?" I asked him.

"What's the need to pack these when you are going to put it all in the trash?" He asked me. I stared at him.

"What do you mean trash? I am taking it home." I told him and he gaped at me and then laughed.

"Vincent, are you serious?" He asked incredulously.

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