Chapter 2: Trauma

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Vincent's POV

I didn't think the day would get worse. But it did when Luc blew up at Dr.Linda after he discovered what Dr. Linda noted about him in her private records. He had hacked into her clinic records and compared his psychological profile with all her other patients. Dr. Linda was furious of course but Luc was more infuriated. He shouted at her for using certain words to describe him that were used only with a very famous serial killer. Dr. Linda told him it served him right for hacking into her private patient records. He was also upset about Dr.Linda alluding to him having feelings of guilt over his rapists because he was sexually interested in them somehow. Dr. Linda just remained silent as he shouted at her. He thought it was sick that she felt he could have sexual feelings over his father too. With that he just disconnected and left the chat.

I was left alone with Dr.Linda.

"I can't believe he hacked into my system. I was damn sure my IT guys said it was as secure as it could be. I don't even know how he did it." She said in shock.

"Doctor, what Luc said, is it true?" I asked her and she sighed.

"Hmm..which one..the serial killer thing?" She asked me calmly. I can't believe she remained calm after all the shouting Luc did.

"That for a start and the others too." I told her and she gave me a grim look.

"Luc feels the need to hide behind a façade that he thinks is cool. He thinks it's fun to play cat and mouse with his psychiatrist. He thinks what I am doing is an intellectual battle to get into his mind. Given his behaviour is like that, I'd write very interesting things about him. I didn't know his profile matched that serial killer. If you take certain words and do a search on other patient records I bet you would get disappointed." She said with a laugh.

"Ah!" I said uneasily.

"Are you worried that he really might be a serial killer in disguise?" She asked me and I squirmed. I knew he killed people but it wasn't a compulsive killing like you see in the case of serial killers.

"No. But I wonder why a serial killer came up when he searched." I told her.

"'s because that particular serial killer behaved the same way Luc does on the outside. He also liked to play a cat and mouse game. I was called in to talk with him to find his victim's bodies and he behaved the same way Luc does now that I think about it. He was also very smart, cunning and manipulative. He knew he had nothing to lose since he was going to die anyway. So, my talks with him were highly entertaining to him because I was the only person he could talk to and because he liked to see what I thought of him. Luc behaves the same way now that I think about it. But of course there are major differences in Luc and the serial killer when it truly comes to their psyche." Dr. Linda explained.

"Dr. Linda about the other things Luc said about sexual feelings towards his rapists and father..why did you write that?" I asked her.

"Vince, I've heard a lot of things about Luc from people including my own sisters." Dr. Linda said.

"Your sisters?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Luc's antics resulted in one of my sisters committing suicide and when Luc was young, he used to stay with another sister of mine." She said.

"Is that by any chance Ryuu's mum?" I asked her and she looked surprised.

"How do you know Ryuu?" She asked me.

"We are..close..kinda." I said awkwardly.

"Oh! That's great. Ryuu and Rei are my lovely nephews. Tell them my regards if you meet them." She told me.

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