Chapter 21: Acceptance

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Luc's POV

We decided to stop near a pharmacy to pick up our medicine. I waited in the car while Vincent went to buy the medicine. I kept a close eye on Vince and the people in the vicinity as he got the medicine and returned back to the car. Shortly afterwards we arrived at the hotel where I had an apartment and took the private lift to my apartment.

Once inside, to my surprise Vince kissed me. I cupped the back of his head and kissed back too until I realized that I had a lot to say to Vincent. I realized that if I started down this path, we would be unlikely to talk at all. I pulled back from Vincent and he panted softly, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you, Luc." He said in a shaky voice, filled with emotion. I didn't know what to say to that. I missed him too, but perhaps it wasn't the right time to say it. I pulled away from him gently and he gave me a bewildered look as I put some distance between us.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" I asked him and he blinked at that.

"Or have you eaten already?" I asked him and he shook his head mutely. I could tell from his bewildered face that he was curious as to why I was keeping my distance from him.

"Is there something you would like to eat specifically?" I asked him and he bit his lips.

"Are you hungry, Luc?" He asked me and I nodded.

He blinked at that and his bewilderment faded away to show a small smile as he came over to me.

"If you are going to order food, why don't you order everything of what you like?" Vince asked me.

"I'll be okay with it." He told me, giving me a beguiling smile. I averted my eyes from his face and thought over the question. Everything that I liked, huh? People say I am a very picky eater but the truth was, I didn't really have many specifications where food was concerned. I could eat anything so long as it doesn't contain anything that smells pungent. I like food that doesn't have much of an odor.

"Are you sure you could eat what I choose?" I asked him again and he grinned.

"Luc, I know your picky eating habits and yes, I can live without onion and garlic for one night." He told me. I sighed. See? Even Vince thinks I am being picky.

I went over to the phone and called the chef of the hotel who cooked for me when I was in Istanbul and asked him to make something for me that he could make the fastest.

I turned back to see Vince looking at me oddly.

"You must be really hungry." He said and I didn't answer.

"Meanwhile, let's get those burns treated hm?" He asked me, ignoring the awkward silences in our conversation.

I guess that's one thing I liked about Vincent. He doesn't push me to talk and get unnecessarily upset when I don't reply. It just meant I had a lot on my mind. Most people think I do it deliberately to be rude. Well, perhaps it was being rude too because I wasn't used to stopping whatever I was thinking to answer questions that I'd rather avoid answering.

I watched him take my hand and pull me along to the bedroom. When we were there, he gently pushed me down to sit on the bed. I stared at him as he left the bedroom to get the supplies he bought from the pharmacy earlier. My eyes followed his movements as he poured water into the kettle to cook some hot water which he filled up in a small basin that he probably bought from the pharmacy. I walked over to him when I saw him trying to tend to his wounds on his own. I pulled away his scraped arms.

"I know you are the surgeon here and you'd know how to treat these best. But can't I treat your wounds?" I asked him and he gave me a flustered look.

Accepting a Loving HeartWhere stories live. Discover now