Chapter 10: Demon

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Luc's POV

For a few seconds I had lost my sanity when I saw Vince in Ryuu's arms. Without thought, I had rushed forward and pulled Vincent down from his arms while I punched Ryuu hard on the face. It sent him stumbling and made me feel just a slight bit of satisfaction. I wanted to punch him more but I stopped when Vincent gagged and puked on my shoes. Vince looked up at me with teary, glazed eyes that looked tired and then without a word he fell unconscious by my feet. The anger in me dissipated immediately as I crouched down beside Vincent's still body. He felt so warm to the touch. Ryuu came over suddenly and slapped my hand away.

"Get away from him, bastard. Look what you've done!" He growled at me and I ignored him as I tried to pull Vincent against my chest but Ryuu had grabbed him from the other side.

"Let him go!" I snapped at him.

"Like hell I would! You are the person responsible for this." He snapped back.

"I am not letting go of him! So you let go!" I said angrily, not realizing how childish we were sounding.

"I told you, no!" Ryuu retorted hotly.

"What's happening here?" Alex demanded as he came over to the house with Rei.

"Ha! I hear you are in the house and the next second you cause trouble." Rei said.

"What did you do to Vincent?" Alex demanded as he rushed forward. I pushed Ryuu away when he was distracted and stood up with Vince in my arms.

"I am taking him where he belongs." I said, trying to take him away. Rei stepped in front of me.

"Like hell you are taking him!" He said and Alex also stood in my way.

"Piss off will you? Don't get in my way!" I snarled at them.

"Wow! Your true colours show when you speak like that." Rei said and I gave him a disgusted look.

"Look guys! I don't give a damn! Vince looks like he needs a doctor right now. So, can you guys stop your immature squabble and let me attend to him?" Alex asked as he tried to approach me.

"Don't come near!" I snapped.

"Don't be stupid! Do you want to help him or not?" Alex asked and I looked at Vincent's face that looked really pale. As much as I hated the thought of letting anyone else touch him, Alexander was right. Vince needed a doctor. I watched as Alex came over to us. I refused to let him take Vincent.

"Show me the way. I will take him to your doctor." I told him.

" are not setting one more foot into my house. You either give Vincent to Alexander or just watch him suffer because of your foolishness." I heard the crisp voice of the one woman I really hated as much as my mother.

I turned to look at Sara Deverell standing proudly behind me. I didn't know when she appeared in the scene because I was too engrossed keeping Alex and Rei away from Vince. I narrowed my eyes when I noticed another woman with red hair approaching us behind Sara Deverell. Three guards in black suits followed her.

"Actually, I take insult to that Sara. Why must my precious nephew have to suffer over a heathen's actions?" The woman exclaimed as she took off the dark sunglasses she was wearing while she stopped beside Sara Deverell.

" came here fast." Sara said as she looked at the tall woman who came and stood beside her, looking at me coldly.

My lips pursed as I recognized the woman who replaced Starling De Grant as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in the US Department of Defense. She didn't look a day above forty but she was probably in her late fifties now.

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