Chapter 8: A Kid?

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Sugawara's POV

"Yeah..Weird." I said and remembered something. "Do we have to tell Akaashi-San then?" I asked daichi and he struggle and nodded slowly.

Well that was Interesting.


3rd POV (Somewhere)

Chisaka has walk in the League of Villain's Base (Cause i don't know what base are they now and hell only know the abandoned bar-)
And talking to a certain Hand Face possed (something) and he is called Shigaraki Tomura.

-Time skip Cause im lazy and poop and yeet the module (I know your withe me Lea-Chan, tae yung math na module- )-


"L-L/N.." Eri called me. For god sake why the hell is she shaking?! Freak gemme some jackets or something boii

"Hai? And Eri just call me Y/N or Onee-Chan, cause i would love to finally have some younger sibling!" I said with excitement.

"(Y/N)nee-Chan..Please don't leave.." She tugged on my sleeve "Please don't leave me.." She said looking at my eyes with teary Ruby eyes. I smiled at her and toke her to my arms hugging her.

"Don't worry Eri. You're always gonna see me" I said rubbing her back while she sobbs.

We finally came to the park and seat on a bench. I shuffle my grocery bags and found a Gummy Bears and open up asking Eri some.

"Hey Eri, Try this" I said and pop a gummy bear to her mouth and hell did she actually just live under a rock? I guess she never have some of these. Pood bby girl.

"T-thank you!" She said and we continue to eat some i even asked if she wants chocolate and WHAT THE FREAKINLY HELL?? CHOCOLATE IS THE BEST FLAVOR FOR CHILDS AND SHE HASN'T EATEN SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!
But she did say thank you anyway.

Chisaki came out of nowhere and said hello and toke Eri but she still tugging on my sleeves.

"Eri, You gotta stay with your Dad and go home" I said patting her head. "Be a Good Girl for me and behave!" I said picking her up and passing her to Chisaki "It was Nice meeting you Mr. Chisaki, Take care and have a safe trip home~!!" I said waving my hand.

"Thank you. Come on now Eri" He said in a motto voice.

I watch them disappear out of my sight and sigh. I know there's something wrong and i know Chisaki isn't her father, But its not the right time and Im still not sur-

Taking my mind off and i cough and cought till it hardening my chess. I look at my palms to see a rose.. last time i check it was Rose, Irish and Daisy..

I wipe my now bleeding mouth and got ready to go home. Hide in my bedroom and sleep, I don't wanna worry anyone and think im a Big Burden.. I walk home holding my chess and trying not to cough and freaking spill blood out of the blue.

-Back at the Dorms-

I open the door and head straight to the kitchen, Calling the Guys to head to the kitchen.

"Guys the groceries are-" I cough a rose pettal and quickly hide my mouth
"I cannot cook for y'all today, forgive me im not feeling well" I said and before anyone could protest i already run to my room which is exactly on the 3nd Flood, Then flopping my self on my bed and finding a towel or something.

I cough and cough while holding to my dear heart tears peking my eyes. 'Please..'

-Back at the kitchen-

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