Chapter 35 - Heavenly

Start from the beginning

Once he reached his desk, he leisurely sat down while Felix and Jackson stood on either side of him.

"What happened?"

Only Marcus lifted his head and proceeded to tell Austin the events starting from when he left. There were multiple times in which Austin's eyes went cold but Marcus continued recounting his story with no hesitation.

Felix's expressions also didn't change but it was obvious to see that he was intently listening to every word, while he would sometimes knit his eyebrows.

On the other hand, Jackson's face changed from disbelief to amazement, to awe. "So you're saying that she did this?" Jackson asked as he pointed to the bodies on the floor.

"Not all of it, but yes," affirmed Marcus.

"Unbelievable..." mumbled Jackson. It's not that he thought that Marcus was lying to him, but he still found it hard to believe that Amara - someone who had a thin and delicate physique with not an ounce of muscle in her body - could kill full-grown wolves, and not only that but rogues who were known to be vicious and stronger than the average wolf.

There were many women in their pack that was more than capable of killing a rogue but they didn't look as delicate as Amara. Though beautiful, they were much more muscular in terms of physique, it wasn't until he remembered that she was a siren did he fully believe it, after all, not much was known about these creatures except for the myths and fairytales surrounding them.

At the thought of her being able to kill men as easily if she was cutting butter, he shivered.

"H-how... did her voice sound like?" He wondered.

Marcus thought back to the beautifully haunting melody and his eyes couldn't help but become a little unfocused.

"Heavenly," he said slightly dazed


It was only then did Austin stand up from his seat, slightly startling the rest. "There's a traitor in this pack, find him," he said sternly, moving the topic of their conversation away from Amara. He didn't like the look in Marcus's eyes when he recalled Amara's voice. For some reason, it had irritated him.

Everyone looked at him a little dumbfounded but it wasn't long until they shook it off. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room turned serious as they discussed the ambush led by the man who called himself Tobias.

"We are getting careless Austin," said Felix.

"This is my fault and I will take full responsibility for this. I will become more strict with training," interjected Jackson. Contrary to his usual disposition, Jackson frowned.

They continued discussing this issue for a while before Austin glanced up at the clock. Half an hour had already past since Amara left.

"Alright, we'll continue this discussion another time. All of you wash up and rest,"

All of them stopped talking and nodded their head. Austin was the first one to leave the room and not long after the rest followed.

After leaving the room, he followed Amara's scent that had lingered in the air to find which bedroom she was resided in. As he turned the handle of the door, a familiar scent hit his nose, it was the scent of the soap he used every single day.

The first sight he saw when he opened the door was of a beautiful woman who sat on his bed. He noticed that her hair was still damp and drops of water fell on the sheet. The scent in which he should have gotten used to, smelled exceptionally enticing today.

Austin's eyes darkened for a moment before he took a deep breath, calming himself down. He lifted her up before placing her on his lap, he loved the feeling of her weight on him. He leaned forward and buried his face into her neck, indulging in the fact that they had the same scent.

Amara felt his breath on her neck, causing her to chuckle as the ticklish sensation. Austin thought that it was one of the most beautiful sounds that he's ever heard in his life. He held her tighter afraid that she would disappear in his arms.

Nothing mattered at this moment except the two of them. They looked at each other and little by little their faces inched closer together until their lips were barely touching.

Amara closed the remaining gap, pushing her lips onto his. It wasn't long until their kiss turned passionate and all that could be heard in the room were the sounds of sucking and soft moans.

Austin felt his something below his abdomen turn stiff and abruptly pulled away. He knew that if they went any further then this then he would not be able to control himself.

As soon as he pulled away from her, Amara felt a sense of emptiness but because Austin was facing away from her he couldn't see the flickering change within her.

After gathering enough self-control, he turned his face towards Amara once again, "That's enough for tonight, be good and go to bed first," he tenderly said as he caressed her hair.

Once Amara was off of his lap he awkwardly walked towards the bathroom. his bodily reactions made it hard for him to directly look at Amara so he quickened his pace.

After the unpleasant and cold shower, he came back into the room and found that Amara had long fallen asleep, he walked over to the bed and brought her into his embrace. The heat between their two bodies gradually made him doze off.


Ngl, this is a long as fucking chapter, probably the longest I've written in this book! Sheesh.

Anyways, I suck at writing chapter titles, don't even know why I began doing that since that takes extra effort 😭

I was wondering, should I go on a hiatus for a little bit and go back and edit everything or should I do that once I'm finished writing the book? Lemme know :)

Lolol I just remembered the time when I first started writing this book, my writing was so shitty and every chapter was like 500-600 words and was basically kind of like a summary lol, kinda glad I improved A LOT if I must say so myself. I really didn't think I would be able to write 35 chapters wow! (I have some stockpiled tho hehe)

Practice really does help to improve your writing, so it you're feeling discouraged don't be! Reading a lot of books also helps, it helped improve the flow of my writing and details and stuff. I love reading Chinese/Japanese/Korean novels, especially the ones with reincarnation, transmigration, isekai, BL etc I find them so interesting like wow, they're so much fun to read so 10/10 reccomend.

Damn I just started ranting lol, anyway, hope you're enjoying the story, don't forget to comment, vote and share :) I especially love hearing from you guys it really makes my day 🥺 

So feel free to DM me or whatever xoxo

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