" Hey Jayden." Annie greeted giving her a hug." Hi." Jayden greeted Cassie.

" I thought cheer leaders aren't supposed to talk to me?" Cassie asked.

" Kalani isn't here, we're fine." Jayden said. Cassie just shrugged it off.

After class, Cassie came out of the room bumping into Kalani, all her things scattered to the floor.

" Oopsie." Kalani laughed together with Kendall and Jojo. Cassie stood there looking down.

When Annie, Dylan, and Asher came out of the room, they stood there in shock.

Cassie was clenching her fist ready to throw a punch but then Oliver and Max came to help her.

By then, Liv and Liam came." Come on Cassie." Liv said glancing at the trio who was laughing.

" Did a cat got your tongue Cassie?" Kalani teased. Cassie stopped from walking and turned to her.

" Is being a bitch part of your daily routine?" Cassie snapped. Everyone was in shock, enjoying the scene.

" Oh wait, I shouldn't have asked." Cassie said." Babye." Cassie winked with a teasing smile before leaving.

" That was... cool." Oliver said as the group walked away. The group laughed.

Later after lunch, Cassie came to her locker and opened." Hey Cassie." Liv greeted opening her locker." Hey." Cassie greeted.

" Have you reviewed for out science test?" Liv asked just in time as Nadia and Emily came by." Yes, obviously, I wouldn't want to fail on my senior year." Cassie laughed.

" You're right, I'll see you later Cassie." Liv said before leaving. Nadia and Emily glanced at each other.

" We have a test?" Nadia asked Emily." Bitch, do I look like I know?!" Emily whispered." What are we gonna do?! I didn't review." Nadia said freaking out.

" My dad will take my car away if I fail the test." Nadia added." Will you calm down?! My parents will take my credit card if I don't pass." Emily hushed. 

" And you always fail." Emily said." And so are you." Nadia said." Shut up." Emily said." What are we gonna do?" Nadia asked.

" I have a plan." Emily said as she saw Ms. Gina talking to another teacher. The bell ringed and everyone went to their class, Emily and Nadia looked at each other as Ms. Gina is coming their way.

They purposely bumped into Ms. Gina making all her things scattered to the floor." O my gosh! Ms. Gina, we're so sorry." Emily said as all three of them picked up all the things on the floor.

" It's ok girls." Ms. Gina said. Emily glanced at Nadia to distract Ms. Gina." So, how's your day going?" Nadia asked grabbing Ms. Gina's attention.

" It's doing great. Thank you for asking." Ms. Gina said then Nadia nodded. Emily saw the answer sheet with wide eyes, smiling, glancing over at Nadia. 

Emily quickly shoved it in her bag. Nadia slightly smirked." Here you go Ms. Gina." Emily said standing up and handing it over to Ms. Gina.

" Thank you girls." Ms. Gina said." No problem. We're very sorry." Nadia said before Ms. Gina left.

They looked back to check Ms. Gina is already gone and no one else is in the hallway. Emily brought out the answer sheet and showed it to Nadia.

" We're definitely passing the test." Emily said." It's a win win for us. We don't fail, I get to keep my car, then you get to keep your credit card." Nadia said.

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