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Sif seemed to spring into action and took down most of the dark elves while Aria blindly swung the sword, completely missing the enemy but doing some good damage to a few pillars.

She supposed the elves didn't attack her directly because they didn't see her as a threat.

Fandral beckoned to the sword which Aria gladly threw over,

"Get to safety, we'll hold them off!" He yelled through gritted teeth, she nodded and hurriedly left.

She quickly caught sight of Jane and Frigga and ran over to them, panic striking her heart each time she heard a boom or a crash. The palace was under attack.

"Aria quickly, follow Jane and I. We have a plan but we must keep your cousin safe." Frigga said grasping her hand when she got to them.

All three of them ran through the golden halls, to a large circular room with pillars lining it. Frigga explained the plan, then to Aria's amazement, created a hologram of Jane. But she didn't have time to marvel. taking her real cousins hand, Aria pulled Jane to the side, opened a nearby door and pushed her inside.

But before she could follow her, she heard a door slam open and yelling. She quickly shut Jane in.

A pale humanoid man with pointed ears who Aria assumed was Malekith, and a large warrior-looking creature looked from Frigga, to fake-Jane, to Aria. Malekith suddenly sprang forward and attacked Frigga, Aria ran forward a little but remembered she was helpless.

They fought viciously, but Malekith was victorious, and casted Frigga to the side mercilessly.

He took a step towards fake-Jane. Then stopped and motioned to Aria

The large warrior creature came at her before she had time to back away or escape. It grabbed her by the throat and lifted her high into the air. Gasping for breath, Aria looked over at Frigga still on the ground in obvious distress.

"I will tell you this once. Surrender the aether and she will be spared." He spat. He reached out to grab Jane but his hand fell through the illusion.

He growled and whipped around at Frigga, "Witch." He snarled. "Where is the aether."

He took his sword out and lifted her chin up with it.

"I'll never tell." Frigga said and looked at Aria, tears forming in her eyes.

"I believe you." He said, and drove his sword into her, she fell to the floor and did not move.

Aria tried screaming, kicking, anything. but the creature kept its death grip on her throat. The world was growing darker around her and she was getting more and more tired.

Thor suddenly burst through the door, and upon seeing his mother on the floor, he threw his hammer at Malekith, scarring his face with the crack of lightening summoned with it.

The creature let go of Aria, and she fell to the floor, spluttering and gasping for breath all the while trying to crawl towards Frigga. When she looked up, Malekith and the creature had escaped, Thor and Odin were both by Frigga side and Jane was behind Aria trying to lift her off the floor.

As much as she wanted to say goodbye, whenever Aria was around Odin she didn't feel welcome. She went to the funeral nonetheless.

Frigga was pushed out into the water, and her boat was set on fire. A fallen warrior.
The people of Asgard held glowing orbs of light and lifted them into the air to honour their queen.

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