Its been a while

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Hello everyone,
Just a quick authors note. As many of you may know this book has not been in progress for god knows how long..

Oh my- I just checked it's been over a year-

This is an apology note if anything, someone I know found this book and although they said they wouldn't read it or send it to anyone else I refrained from publishing new chapters so I'm sorry for keeping you guys hanging this long.

Although I know many of you will not be interested in this book anymore, I am going to be continuing this book. I loved writing their story and sharing it with everyone, and I would love to continue doing so.
And although my original plans for them have been forgotten or changed, I know you're going to love what's in store.

For those who are going to stick around, thank you for being so patient.

And trust me

I am about to blow your minds..

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