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She did not sleep again that night. Plagued by the thought of danger and exited by the thought of adrenaline, Aria tossed and turned before eventually deciding to get up and wash her hair before putting something on for tomorrow.

She changed out of the Asgardian nightgown she had found in the wardrobe and carefully fitted herself into a long black dress. Gold sandals accompanied her as she stepped out onto the balcony once more and looked up to Frigga's constellation, slightly faded in the early morning sunlight.

"I'm going to escape somehow Frigga. I may not have a plan, but I'm determined." She said, before entering back inside coincidentally just as she heard the bedroom door unlock.

"Don't you knock?" Aria asked, raising an eyebrow

"Only when it suits me" Loki smirked a little

"And why are you here?" she asked

"because you're leaving-"

"What?! Really?!"

"- this room, Odin's beard I would've gotten bored with midguard very quickly if i had succeeded in world domination. Do all mortals cut people off while they're in the middle of a sentence?"

"Okay okay I get it I'm sorry. Where are we going?"

"First of all you will address me as your king when our in public. Secondly you will drop the irritating attitude. And thirdly do not be alarmed."

"Umm no, no and what do you mean alarmed??"

Without another word, Loki stepped forwards and waved his hand softly through the air in front of Aria's face.

She stepped away quickly,

"What did you just do?"

"Look for yourself." He gestured to the mirror in the far said of her room.

She stepped over and looked at a completely new person, the same person he had transformed her into when they had tricked Thor after the battle with Malekith.

"You didn't need the fancy hand movement last time, why now?" She asked

"Fourthly, no more questions." Loki rolled his eyes.

"... Why?"


Loki soon transformed into Odin and explained that they were to make a public appearance so as not to raise suspicion. He opened the door and offered his arm out which Aria blatantly ignored, striding out of the room and waiting a little so she could walk behind him.

He was the "king" after all.

They walked past Sif and the warriors three in the hall, Aria almost waved but remembered she was meant to be a mere hand maid. Instead she bowed her head as the four warriors dropped to their knees in-front of Loki.

She glanced to her left for a split second to catch Loki hiding a smirk. He was secretly loving this.

"My king. We are dreadfully sorry for your losses." Volstagg spoke gravely and Loki nodded, feigning sadness.

They passed shortly after. As soon as they did Aria muttered

"You should really hide your smirk better if you want to get away with this"

"Even if they do find out, what are they going to do? Thor is off world and Odin is nowhere to be found. The only thing they can do is treat me with even less respect than they all already do. And considering that's at rock bottom, it's a victory for me either way, my dear."

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