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Aria soon found herself on her feet in a golden dome-like room,

"A-Aria you can open your eyes now" Thor said, when she did she saw intricate patterns in the spherical walls

"Thor? What is this?" A tall man approached them holding a large sword, Aria looked to her right to see Thor carrying Jane bridal style.

"She's ill, Heimdall she needs immediate attention"

"Odin won't be pleased"

"I know."

Heimdall paused for a second, before finally letting them pass. As Aria walked out she noticed Heimdall staring at her curiously. Ignoring it she moved on.

After they travelled across a huge rainbow road, into the city and up into a ginormous golden palace, they entered an infirmary-type room and laid Jane down on a table

"Who are you and What's that?" Jane said, coming to and looking at the golden mist above her,

Aria hadn't said a word since they arrived at the palace. And still couldn't believe it was real. The entire place was gold, and guards dressed in fine armour were stationed at every door. Not only that, but Thor was apparently a god, and so we're most of the people here.

It was very hard to believe but she was too focused on her cousin at that moment to fully take it in.

"My name is Eir and be still." One of the nurses answered Jane.

"This is not of Earth. What is it?" Thor asked,

"We don't know, but she won't survive the amount of energy surging through her"

"So she's going to die? Finally I can borrow your favourite jacket!" Aria teased, earning a stern glare from everyone in the room except Jane, who playfully rolled her eyes.

Suddenly an older man strode in, wearing an eyepatch.

"Are my words mere noises to you that you cannot hear them?" He spoke to Thor, who responded,

"She's ill."

"She's mortal. Illness is her defining trait. And what of this one?" The man gestured to Aria who cocked an eyebrow at him,

"I brought her because we can help her. Aria was merely holding onto Jane when I summoned the Bifrost."

"They do not belong in Asgard more than a goat belongs at a banquet table."
He said,

"Listen here, Old man. I don't know who you are but talk about me like that again, and I'll-"
Aria started but Thor cut her off and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm Odin. King of Asgard. Father of Thor, Husband of Frigga and Protector of the nine realms." Odin said, looking Aria up and down in a disgusted manner.

"Something is within her father, something I haven't seen before."

"Their world has its healers they're called doctors. Guards, take them back to midguard."
Odin waved a hand away and Aria scowled at him. Suddenly, two guards tried to take Jane by the arm but the same force that occurred on earth slammed the guards into the wall.

The Devil Is A Gentleman | LokiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin