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The ride back to the avengers compound was almost unbearable. Not only had she killed the man they specifically had to keep alive, but Steve saw it too and after what happened in the training room, it would be even harder to gain his trust now let alone the avengers.

She exited the Quinn jet in silence and walked straight to her room.

So many questions were flooding her mind. she felt insecure about everything.
What was she? What was going on?!

Aria buried her face into the pillow after she threw herself onto the bed.
So much had happened. Too much had happened.

She'd faked her death, been kidnapped, lied to. Hell, she even befriended her kidnapper, and on top of that she fell out of the sky, woke up in the middle of a battlefield and got taken in by the avengers, all the while trying to figure out these new alien powers that seemed to be growing drastically by the day. At the start she only made a flower float in the air and now she was literally knocking the life out of someone throwing them against a pillar. The whole thing seemed too fast, too frantic.
She could feel the tears rolling down her face and onto the pillow.
The entire Loki situation alone made her feel frankly sick with confusion thinking about it. Who was he to her? Was he just her kidnapper whom she couldn't trust? Was he misunderstood? Was he her friend? Was he, or rather could be, something more than that?

That's stupid Aria pull yourself together. He kidnapped you. Stop forgiving and forgetting the minute someone's nice to you.
She thought.


No matter how much she tried to push the idea of that let alone friendship with him, Asgard certainly seemed like the only place she wanted to be right now.

She rolled over onto her right arm and felt a sharp sting.
"Ow!" She exclaimed, and rolled up her sleeve to see..

Oh my god..

An infection had spread up her arm. How had she not noticed this before? It can't have just appeared today could it? It was as if her veins had been dyed black on the inside, and the dark pigment crawling up her arm in a thin spindling manner faded past her elbow.

Great. Another thing to worry about.

Had it come from her powers? Was this because of what she did today?

Okay just calm down and fall asleep.
She thought, and she eventually drifted off but with no ease.

Loki used the bifrost reach Earth. He looked behind him and was confused at the woodland surrounding. This green view was interrupted however by a huge building.

On the side of the building, a huge 'A' was plastered on the side of it.
He walked towards it and entered the building. No one was around. No form of security, no visitors or anything. He approached one of the rooms and looked inside.

Loki took a double take as he saw Aria sleeping on the bed, tear tracks down her face.
He tried to cross over to her but as he took a step forward, the room became darker and began to decay.
He looked behind him to see the door was locked.

Aria suddenly stirred, and he looked round to see her bleeding from her lower abdomen. A knife had punctured her skin and she was laying there. Cold and lifeless.

As Loki rushed forwards to inspect the knife further, he realised he recognised it.
"No no no no no.." he murmured nervously, and felt a large hand on his shoulder.

Loki then woke up with a start. He wiped the beads of sweat from his face and sat up.

It was only a dream
He repeated in his mind over and over reassuringly.
His fast breathing slowed down, and he released the tension in his shoulders.
Loki laid back down on his back, taking a few sighs before sitting upright suddenly. His dreams seemed to be the only things that never lied to him. And as worrying as this one seemed to be, he placed his focus on one thing.

The Devil Is A Gentleman | LokiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant