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"That's not fair! You used your illusions again!" Aria whined, rubbing her lower back in pain after yet another fall.

"You don't win fights with 'fairness' Aria, you win them by knowing your opponents weaknesses" Loki replied, holding his hand out to help her up.

"Yeah well I'm still pissed"
she mumbled, then tried to lunge forward and take him down, but he dodged her attack and tripped her up yet again, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"Good for you" he smirked.

Aria gave a frustrated grunt and just lay there, soon feeling a kick to her arm.
"Get up, you won't win any fight if you merely give in."

"Relax mister Miyagi I'm just tired." She said, pushing herself up with her arms and standing up again.

Instead of lunging forward this time, she turned her back and walked away.
"I'm done for the day" she stated, waving her hand behind her.

"That was a stupid move" Loki cocked his eyebrow, running forward to put her in headlock.
But she knew what he was about to do, and quickly ducked to the side, dropping to the ground and swinging her leg out to trip him.

Her plan worked, Loki tumbled to the ground and skidded a little way on the harsh gravel before coming to a stop and flipping himself over.

Aria jumped back up and walked over to him, blocking the sunlight with her head and looking smugly down at him.

"What's that you said about not winning fights with 'fairness'?" She raised her eyebrows.

He said nothing, but stood up and brushed himself off.
"Right, I think we're done for today"

It had been a few days since their argument. Although loki still kept an eye on her and as strange as Aria found it, she was on good terms with the man who tried to conquer Earth and kill the avengers.

They both walked along the golden halls of Asgard, Loki resuming their disguises as Odin and an unrecognisable hand maiden.

Aria got to thinking.
Would this facade last forever? Would someone discover Loki eventually? If he was, would the avengers be involved.
They would surely take her away, away from asgard and back home to that bastard of a boyfriend.
She'd almost forgotten the dull grey life she led, how she'd come home each day to Mark either sleeping on the sofa or to him not even being there.

If he was out, he was probably at the pub, though he claimed to be looking for work at the job agency. She knew it was all bullshit. It had just seemed easier to ignore what was happening and to move in the constant loop.

The more Aria thought about her decision to stay in Asgard, the more she felt comforted. She was glad she stayed. But she couldn't ignore the pit in her stomach about what Jane was probably going through.
Now that she thought about it, she was uneasy about a lot of things. She didn't want to go back to Earth, but there was a feeling of fear that she might have to if Loki was found out.

As well as this, it would be hard adjusting to life in Asgard. No fast food, no phones or computers, no cars. Not only had she left her home behind, she'd left her lifestyle behind too.

She looked out upon the city as they passed a balcony, and wondered how long it would take before Loki would trust her enough to walk by herself. She would definitely go to the city. Although Thor had only taken her there once to talk to Heimdall, from what she saw it was as beautiful as the rest of Asgard and she wanted to see it again.

Loki slowed his stride a little so he was at the same walking level as Aria. He looked over at her, expecting the usual plain expression on her face, but instead he saw she appeared to be deep in thought. She was sort of scratching at her left palm with the thumb of her right hand.

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