Once arriving there hoseok signalled yoongi to sit on the comfy couch near his table. The office was filled with various things. Figurines, colorful and interesting paintings, that yoongi must compliment the artist. For yoongi the room was really colourful and neat at the same time. It gave a bright vibe.

"U ok?" Yoongi distractedly looked at hoseok.

"Yea." He gave a light smile at the end but his answer and smile both were a lie.

And hoseok knew this because he can see the swollen eyes. Yoongi must have cried hard that they were still swollen and he also looked tired.

"Lying isn't good." Yoongi's smile wiped away fast. He lowered his head as his hands got a bit clammy and his fingers fiddled together. He bit his lips thinking how could someone see right through his lie. At times not even his gege could spot them but hoseok saw right through him.

"I'm not." His voice was small as his body started to feel hot. He was nervous. He didn't knew he would encounter some situation and so didn't knew how to handle it. And hoseok was good at spotting the changes. He moved a bit forwards and lowered his voice in a calming tone, "hey, no need to be nervous or scared. I won't do anything. You can share if something is bothering you. Hm?"

Yoongi looked up and his heart didn't know at which rythm to beat. It would get fast because of the soft look on hoseok's face or it would calm down because of hoseok's comforting words and warm aura.

"Gege are going on a vacation...." Hoseok was quiet. He knew yoongi was trying to speak and he won't interupt him and so yoongi went on.

"..and they said I'm gonna be under the care of a... babysitter." His voice cracked. He remembered abt which babysitter this talk was abt.

"I... I told them that I didn't need one...b-but they won't listen." He lowered his head as a lump formed in his throat. His breathing got a bit worked up and hoseok carefully moved a bit closer and rubbed his back. He knew the omega was in a state of vulnerability. His eyebrows were ceased as he thought why his gege's won't listen to him.

"They said...that-that I am an omega and it's dangerous for omegas..to be al-alone. I know this but they..." This line reminded of the time when they first met yoongi. They told yoongi the same thing too and he had the same reaction, a saddened one.

"Shh. Calm down first." Hoseok had his left arm supporting yoongi as his head was on his shoulder and he used his left hand to run his fingers through yoongi's hair and massage his scalp. It helped. Sometimes he would run his hand through his hair or he would run his arms.

"U don't want a babysitter?"

Yoongi just hummed and it sounded cute. He had cried a bit so his voice was not the best. But it sure had gotten cute. Like a lil toddler. Hoseok smiled from the cute response. He worried abt how much had yoongi cried that his eyes were still swollen.

"Why?" Yoongi just let out a voice in denial and it told that he didn't want to talk abt it. He was in a comfortable position and was starting to feel clingy. He further cuddled into hoseok and hoseok slightly chuckled, very much liking it. This made yoongi's ears to brighten in a red colour.

"Ok won't ask abt it then." Yoongi just nodded at this. He was staring off in a distance. Just yesterday he was enjoying his day and then boom! This disaster. He rubbed his eyes which felt hot. His lips jutted out as he did so. He looked like a child that had just stopped crying. Cute and adorable.

"I..I told them that...I could stay with...my friends." His voice got smaller as he spoke this. And hoseok's eyes went wide. He knew that yoongi was definitely talking abt them. They hadn't seen yoongi with someone else nor did yoongi mention abt having other friends.

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