Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past

Start from the beginning

Shouichi: What's that even mean? And you can stop calling me Shou-chan? I'm one year older than you, you know.

Utano: Hehehe, Shou-chan will be always Shou-chan to me.

???: Utanon, I feel bad for Shou-kun. 

Shouichi: You're no better than her too, Mito. (Shouichi threw a punchline)

Mito: Eeeee.....

The other girl's name is Fujimori Mito. She along with Utano awakened her power as a Miko.

 She along with Utano awakened her power as a Miko

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Shouichi: But, I must say....... Looks like this year's crop is gonna be the best ever. 

Mito: You really love tinkering with the field don't you, Utanon. Even though you don't come from a farming family. 

Utano: Of course I am, you could say it's /destiny/. With this crop, I'm getting more closer to my dream as a FARMING KING!!!!! 

Mito: Farming king..... sounds kinda cool!!!! 

Utano: But even better than a farm king is a farm emperor, and better than that is a farm god. The path of farming is deep and endless... You should try plowing the field with me, I'm sure you'll understand the wonder of it.

Mito: No thanks..... I'm not good with insects

Utano: I see....... /That's too bad/......

Shouichi: You're still going on about that, huh? But it's not wrong you've worked really hard from every harvest and you're still doing great after all that. Compared to me, my spine felt they're going to break any moment.

*Bones Crunching* 

Shouichi: Ow ow ow ow. (Shouichi said as he felt his spine crunching every time he tried to straighten his body)

Mito: You sound just like an old man just now, Shou-kun. 

Shouichi: Do I? I guess surrounded by old people really got to me or I'm already getting old. 

Utano: I'd bet it's the latter!!!! 

Shouichi: Don't forget, we're the same age. If I'm an old man then you're already an old woman. 

Utano: E-eh?!

Mito: He's right, Utanon.

Utano: Guh..... You really got me....... 

Mito than poured three cups of barley tea from the canteen and handed it to Utano and Shouichi. 

Utano and Shouichi: Thanks

The three of them drank the tea on the cup as they watched the adults resting in the shade. 

Shouichi: Speaking about it, is there anymore information from Shikoku?

Utano: There-

Just before Utano could even begin to speak Shouichi immediately cut her off.

Shouichi: Other than you're debate about Soba and Udon with Nogi-san. 

Utano then immediately silent her mouth.

Utano: Nothing really....... 

Shouichi: I see........

Utano: Speaking about it, why didn't you want to talk to them? I mean your skill with electronics is the one that made it possible to communicate with Shikoku.

Shouichi: It's better for heroes to communicate because they can understand one another better. Besides, you're action as heroes to protect and pulling together everyone in Suwa along with Mito as a Miko that has enabled me to make that. You guys deserve more than I did. 

Utano: Shou-chan.....

*Siren Sounds*

Suddenly, an ear-splitting siren rang out from a nearby area. Everyone's face that was relaxing immediately turned to fear as they know what that siren means. 

Shouichi: Utano! 

Utano: I understand!!! You get to somewhere safe.

Without losing her calm Utano immediately dashed off followed by Mito. They arrived at the Suwa Taisha kamisha honmiya (the upper main shrine) near the field. Utano's hero weapon and outfit were enshrined in its Kaguraden (ceremonial dance hall).

Utano stripped off her farming clothes and began garbing herself with her hero outfit. 

Utano: Mii-chan, which direction are the Vertexes coming from!? (Utano asked as she was changing)

Mito closed her eyes, as she saw the oracle from which the Vertexes are coming from.

Mito: Southeast from here! Their target is probably the kamisha maemiya (the upper old shrine)!

The Mihashira Barrier that was the name of the barrier protecting Suwa. Suwa's Taisha, which enshrined a local kami, was divided into four buildings in the vicinity of Lake Suwa: the kamisha honmiya, the kamisha maemiya, the shimosha harumiya (the lower spring shrine), and the shimosha akimiya (the lower fall shrine).

As soon as Utano finished changing, Utano immediately flew out the direction. 

Mito: Andddd She's gone.....

Mito in an attempt to catch up to Utano, ran as fast as she could to catch up with Utano. By the time she arrived, Mito saw that Utano has already defeated all the enemies with ease. 

Mito: *pant* *pant* *pant* Utanonnnn!!!!! 

Utano: Mii-chan..... 

Mito: Are you okay, Utanon?!

Utano: I'm fine. Today's an easy battle. Hehehehe, there's no way I can lose!!!!  You should be worrying about your own safety, Mii-chan. You should've evacuated. Though if it's just you, I can always protect you. Now, let's get back plowing!!! (Utano said energetically)

Just as they are about to walk back they saw, Shouichi who was running towards them with a heavy breath.

Shouichi: Utano!!!!! *pant* *pant* *pant* Are you okay???!!! 

Utano: Shou-chan!!! What are you doing here??!!

Shouichi: Wait *pant* let me *pant* catch *pant* my breath *pant* Alright!!! The man said you were in trouble....

Utano: What man?! Who?! How did you even know that we're here???

Shouichi: The man in white clothes said that! 

Mito: The man in white? 

Shouichi: Yeah, isn't that one of the refugees that just you saved not long ago? 

Utano: Uhhhh..... There's no one like that...... 

Shouichi: Eh?! but- but- there's-

Utano: Alright- alright, let's go home. (Utano said as she pushed Shouichi home)

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now