Chapter 34 - I want my gon back

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Killuas POV

"Killua..." Gon said

"What?" I whispered

"I need you in life...i can't let myself live without you..." Gon said.

"W-what do you mean...?" I said

"You were right...i did hurt kurapika and leorio...and you killua...." He said looking down "i-i don't know what's wrong with me..."

"Gon...i need you to trust me...what did they do to you.." I said holding both of his hands. Gon looked up at me. His big brown eyes shinning.

"I can't" he said letting out a tear.

"Please gon...please trust me..." I said letting out some tears. "I-i love you..." I said. Gon looked away and started whispering to himself.

"What ever happened it 11th grade stays in 11th grade" he whispered over and over.

"Gon?" I said touching his face so he can face me. He stopped whispering and looked at me. "Tell me..."

"Killua no..." He said

"I'll give you that stupid sweatshirt back but please tell me! I want my gon back!" I sobbed. Gon sat there is silence letting out his tears.

"Killua you should leave..." Gon said

"No I'm not leaving you" I said

"Go" he said

"Gon, god dammit! Tell me! Tell me! Please! I can't live like this anymore! I can't live like this!" I cried. Gon cupped my face and leaned into me. Our foreheads were touching.

"I- i..."

"Say it...say you love me...." I whispered

"I- don't love you killua..." Gon said.

"Gon look at me! Say it right here and right into my eyes! Do you love me?" I said


"Say it!" I said crying


"Say it gon!" I said holding his face.


"God dammit say it gon!" I yelled. In both sadness and anger

"I can't..." Gon cried

"Do you love me! Do you?!" I said. Gon started crying. He closed his eyes and pulled away. He started sobbing. "Then tell me what they did to you..." I said

"No..." He said

"I'm not leaving until you tell me! You have 2 options! If you don't love me...i will forever leave you alone...but if you tell me...i can help you gon, I promise!"


"Gon please!" I said "what did you're dad do to you!" I said.

"He-hurt me..." Gon said

"What did he do?"

"Many things...." Gon said. I held his hand. Gon looked up at me. I slowly lifted his hand to my lips and kissed it. Gon sat there in silence. He started tearing up again. He looked away and whispered the same thing.

"What ever happened it 11th grade stays in 11th grade" he said over and over. Gon covered both of his ears and said it a little louder "What ever happened it 11th grade stays in 11th grade"

"Gon?!" I said trying to hold his hand again but gon wouldn't let me.

"What ever happened it 11th grade stays in 11th grade!" He said.

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