"Like a princess?" I offered. "Gav's words, not mine."

Bellamy smiled. "For starters, yeah."

I ran my hands over the fabric and sighed wistfully. "I should probably give Delilah back her dress. It's the least I could do, considering I didn't even notice she got kidnapped."

"She doesn't need it back tonight, does she?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, it is getting late. I supposed I could return it in the morning."

"Will you two get a room?" Echo called from across the room. That was when I noticed Gavril was standing at the door talking to Alex. Cal and Kenna weren't with them. I glanced around the room and realized they weren't the only two missing.

"Where's O?" I asked glancing around. "Where are Cal and Kenna?" Bellamy sighed. I knew that sigh. It was the one that happened right before he told me something I did not want to hear. "Did something go wrong? Are they okay?"

"They were fine when we left them," he said simply.

"Left them," I repeated. "You left them outside the shield? Why in the fuck would you do that? We have no idea what's out there and if Russell is to be believed it's really fucking bad."

"Cal wouldn't get back on the ship," Bellamy said. "And if he was staying so was Kenna."

He was leaving something out. "You left her, didn't you?" I realized. Bellamy didn't deny it. "You wouldn't let Octavia on the ship." I shook my head. "Cal has a soft spot for fuck ups, so he couldn't just watch as you left Octavia to die. And Kenna's like his sister."

The others were starting to look at us. I was sure at least Alex and Gav would have something to say. But before either of them could weigh in, the doors opened again. Russell and Simone came in with their guards. "We've been talking. Sanctum was designed to be a sanctuary for the human race. After seeing you save Delilah, we think you deserve that too."

Clarke was the first to speak. "We can stay?"

"You may remain here, and we will teach you how to survive," Simone said. "But no more of you." I was glad I'd woken up the Shadows when I did. I couldn't imagine leaving them on the mothership indefinitely.

Simone approached Diyoza. I turned back to Bellamy but found that I didn't have the energy to be mad anymore. I just shook my head and went to join Gav and Alex. "I don't understand why they'd leave Octavia but not you," Gav was saying.

"Even Bellamy isn't that stupid," I said. "Cal never would have let him kick Alex off the ship. It would have been like starting a civil war and we need all the unity we can get right now."

"Escort this woman outside the shield right now!" Russell shouted. We turned to see the guards surrounding Diyoza.

I let out a long sigh. "Perfect."


I woke up to find a pile of dresses draped over the chair in my room. I slide out of bed to inspect them; they were all gorgeous. Bellamy propped himself up on his elbows to look at me. "I guess Delilah heard I liked the clothes," I said. "Looks like she gave me half her closet."

"I'm sure being royalty comes with a whole new wardrobe."

"You're probably right." I laughed quietly. "Tomorrow she's going to be dressing like Simone."

I glanced around our room. It wasn't big, but I hadn't stayed anywhere this well decorated since Polis. The thought made my hand go to the scar on my chest, but if Bellamy noticed he didn't say anything. I turned back to the dresses and chose two. "Purple or yellow."

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