"What's that?" Namjoon mumbled against Yoongi's white skin.

Yoongi reluctantly pushed him back, since there was business to attend to. "Jungkook is doubting himself, and I need your help to prove it to him that he can do anything he sets his mind to."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows, not sure how he would be involved in helping, but he loved Jungkook and would do anything. "Sure, okay."

Yoongi grabbed his hand and led the boy over to Jungkook, who had his head down on his desk, inches away from his open coffee cup.

"Kookie," Yoongi cooed.

Jungkook lifted his head, his eyes still shining with tears.

"Don't cry baby, we're going to help you, okay?" Yoongi assured him.

Jungkook just shrugged, not having the same confidence.

Yoongi was too perfect. Jungkook was still just a kid. He could never be as good a teacher as Yoongi. Never ever. And if he couldn't be a good teacher then there was no point in being one at all. His dream was done. Over. End of the line for Mr. Jeon, health teacher.

"Stand up." Yoongi ordered him, and Jungkook obeyed, not sure what was happening.

Yoongi faced Namjoon. "Sub, strip please."

Namjoon blinked. "Huh?"

Jungkook was confused too, but he wasn't complaining when Yoongi grabbed Namjoons shirt, yanking it up and over the boys head for him.

"Alright, alright." Namjoon pushed him away and unzipped his jeans. "I can do this myself."

He kicked his shoes off and pulled down his pants, stepping out of them.

Yoongi turned to Jungkook. "Okay Kook, listen up. The first lesson I'm going to teach you, and the absolute most important one, is proceeding with consent. You can be the biggest dom in the world and know how to do anything and everything, but if your partner says no, then you're useless. And I know you know this rule already, but I want you to practice with the sub here a few times anyways, okay? Just so you can get used to the feeling of someone stopping and saying their safeword, because I know that hasn't happened to you before."

Jungkook nodded.

Yoongi faced Namjoon. "I want you and him to start kissing, and then when he reaches for your boxers I want you to pull back and say your safe word, like you just changed your mind, okay? I want you to be comfortable enough to say it too, if you ever need to."

Namjoon nodded as well.

They both of course knew the importance of consent, but Namjoon had never used his safeword before, so he was a little curious to see what Jungkook would do in that kind of situation.

Jungkook stepped up to Namjoon. "Joonie, can I kiss you?"

Namjoon nodded, and the two moved in-

"No." Yoongi scolded, grabbing his ruler and smacking Namjoon's ass with it.

"Ow! What? What did I do wrong?" Namjoon glared at him, rubbing his ass.

"Verbally consent." Yoongi ordered. "Always verbally accept or decline, sub. And you too, Kook. Understand?"

"Fine, picky ass little-" Namjoon mumbled.

Yoongi swatted him again, a little harder. "Again."

The two approached again; "Namjoon, can I kiss you?" "Yes, it's fine." -embracing and kissing gently, until Jungkook reached for the boys boxers and the older suddenly stepped away.

Sexual Exploration 2Where stories live. Discover now