"For starters nothing is falling apart, not for lack of trying on my part though." Camila mused making Lauren grin. "Dinah and Normani have got things handled on the outside, trust me. If anyone was going to know how your empire's doing, it's me."

"Didn't know you cared so much Camz." Lauren said sweetly, making Camila roll her eyes and shake her head.

"I care about justice and cleaning up the streets from your illegal happenings." Camila said with a smirk.

They fell into a comfortable silence as Camila read her file. Lauren watched her eyebrows furrow as she shook her head; obviously another idiot cheater case.

"So," Lauren started, Camila looking up at her expectantly, "if you don't work for Healy, who do you work for?"

"No one of importance." Camila replied. "I guess your little ways of finding out have failed?"

"Maybe." Lauren hummed. "Although they did mention you seeing my little sister every now and then. A little bit more regularly in the last few months."

"That girl can yell that's for sure." Camila grumbled. "She cares about you and comes to remind me of that."


"She keeps hearing about my arrests and well, I think she's worried Chris is gonna be one of them soon." Camila chuckled. "And well.. She knows I come to see you so she checks up on you through me when school's keeping her too busy to come up here herself."

Lauren smiled and shook her head fondly. Sounded like her sister; so passionate yet so academically driven. Definitely something she took after their mum rather than their dad.

"Sounds like Tay." Lauren whispered.

Camila felt her shoulders relax but a small churning in her stomach. Fuck off I am not guilty about lying to her Camila thought to herself, her eye twitching slightly as she looked down at the table.


Two Weeks Later

Camila was hunched down in her drivers seat. A camera in her lap and a sandwich in her hand, she watched a small jewelry store across the street.

Dinah had messaged her saying their diamond guy was picking up some merch later that day, but had also heard that Healy was going to try something.

So when Chris Jauregui and Valentina Carvajal rocked up to the store, Camila was shocked enough to drop her sandwich onto her dashboard.

She fumbled for her camera and took some pictures before waiting. Luckily, she didn't have to wait long before Chris emerged now with a black briefcase.

Camila waited for them to pull away in an old town car and started to follow after them. She fumbled with her phone at a stoplight, shoved it on speaker and chucked it on seat next to her.


"Jauregui Jr. is your diamond guy?" Camila said. She rolled her eyes at Dinah's long sigh.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Does Lauren know?"

"Probably. Wouldn't be surprised. She told Chris to dip from the family business."

Camila hummed as she watched the other car come to a stop outside a fancy block of flats. She snapped some more pictures as Chris and Valentina headed inside.

"I think your info was wrong. Healy hasn't tried anything." Camila said with a frown. There was some muttering from the phone before Normani's voice came through.

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