Chapter Eight: Appraisal of my Sword

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We both did as she had asked and took a few steps back away from her. Once she saw that we were clear enough away, she begun to swing the blade around. It was impressive display of swordsmanship as she spun the blade around in her hand and then ran through a whole series of strikes and techniques.

"It definitely handles well." Beth added. "Mind if I test it's edge and strength?"

"Go ahead." I answered.

"I won't be a moment." Beth said before disappearing into the back room again.

"She isn't just a swordsmith, is she?" I asked Lillia.

"No, she is one of the greatest sword masters in the realm, she could be a great adventurer if that sort of thing took her fancy. She just seems to prefer making them for some strange reason."

"That explains those skills then." I was still a little in awe after her display.

Beth left us to mill about in the store for a few minutes while she checked the integrity of my blade. Five or so minutes passed until she finally returned. She looked to be quite excited, I could tell by the large grin on her face and by the way her tail was wagging very animatedly.

"Where did you get this weapon?" She asked.

"It came as his summoned weapon." Lillia answered for me.

"A summoned weapon?" Beth replied the surprise clear in her voice.


"I've never seen a summoned weapon of this calibre before, it exceeds even my own best creations."

"Really?" Asked Lillia also sounding a little surprised.

"Yes, he'll definitely want to hang onto this."

Beth handed me back the blade and I placed it safely away in its scabbard, with a newfound appreciation for the sword.

"You are incredibly lucky to possess such a blade. I can promise you it will never let you down." Beth told me.

"I will make sure I take good care of it then." I answered her.

"Thanks for the appraisal Beth. How much do we owe you?" Lillia asked.

"Oh, nothing today. It was a treat to hold such a weapon. Just make sure to come to me if you ever need maintenance."

"We will do." Answered Lillia.

"Oh, by the way Theo. I occasionally take on students to learn my sword skills. I don't do it very often but being summoned with a weapon like that you must have some potential. Would you be interested? It won't increase your stats like levelling does, but there is more to sword skills than simply levelling up killing monsters."

"Really? I might take you up on that offer then Beth." I answered and after seeing the skills she displayed earlier it seemed it would be silly for me to turn down such an offer.

"Please do. I'll be busy for the next two days, but feel free to come by any time after that and I'll be happy to train you."

"Thank you!" I replied, excited at the prospect.

"Well Beth, we will leave you to get on with your project, we need to be getting on ourselves." Lillia told her.

"Bye then you two, see you again soon."

Beth hurriedly disappeared to her workshop seemingly eager to get back to work. Lillia took me by the hand again and we headed back out into the busy streets.

"Well that all took longer than I was hoping, but we can now go and make a start on your training." Lillia told me as we walked.

"Where are we headed to now?"

"To a small wood, it's a little way past where I summoned you. There are only weak monsters there, but they seem to spawn frequently and there isn't anything else there that should pose us any danger. It's a perfect spot to train a newbie and build up some levels."

"Let's head out then."

I still wasn't all too sure about fighting the demon lord and all that entailed, but after seeing how excited Beth had got over my sword, I was keen to try it out. This wood sounded like a beginner's area and seemed like it would be safe enough. I could build up some skills first and then decide if I really wanted to help out and try and take down this demon lord, or just run away. Even if I was brought here against my will, most of the people I had met here had all been friendly to me, most had helped me out in some way. Even if it was only because they wanted my help, I would still feel guilty if I didn't at least try and make an effort to get strong and help them out. They were clearly desperate, and it was also the only way I was likely to find out what was really going on here. If it did turn out to look like certain and painful death, I could always skip out then. One thing was for sure, I didn't plan on dying for them.

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