Back For You (Ethan James x reader)

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Request: (Wattpad @deeehime) Ethan x reader PR Dino Thunder: Reader transfers from an all girls school to (their school) to stay with her cousin Hayley after bullying got bad. She's a shy nerd that's popular online for her cosplay of Wizard World. The rangers get tired of how shy Ethan and reader are so they give them a little push. (Takes place after Trent turns good)

Word Count: 1,083

Warnings: none

Authors note: I actually am looking for beta readers so if you're interested DM me 💕 I really need someone who's very attentive and knows a lot about writing structure and form


(Y/a/n): Your account name


The boxes in the house still needed to be unpacked.

"(Y/n)! Come on it's time for school!" she heard Hayley yell from downstairs.

Upstairs the girl frantically searched around the room for her backpack, rummaging through boxes and drawers trying to find it.

"(Y/n) come on! You don't want to be late on your first day!"

(Y/n) huffed, "I can't go to school if I can't find my backpack, Hayley!"

Finally the girl reached down into the box on her bed and felt the familiar strap of her school bag.

"Coming!" (Y/n) yelled and ran for the stairs.

The ride to school was short. Hayley gave directions on how she was going to get home and what to do until she got home to cook dinner for the both of them.

"You still haven't told me what your job is yet," (Y/n) said.

"You know the rules," Hayley gave her a pointed look.

"I know I know, no asking about your real work. But if I can't ask you about work you can't ask me about school," (Y/n) smirked.

Hayley rolled her eyes as she stopped in front of the school. (Y/n) quickly got out and grabbed her backpack from the floor.

"Remember, if you have any trouble go to Dr. Tommy Oliver, he teaches in the science hall!"

"Okay," (Y/n) said, she closed the door quickly before walking briskly inside the school. She kept her head low and her eyes on the floor in front of her, so she could see where she was going but no one could see her face.

As she neared the front door she heard the sound of a guitar and a beautiful voice that made her stop and listen. The girl sat on top of a picnic table singing to the group of students that had gathered in front of her for the performance. As the song ended the girl stood up and took a bow while the students clapped. (Y/n) carried on into the school.


The day had gone pretty smoothly so far, the principal had given her a map of the school so she managed to find all her classes without having to ask anyone.

By the time her last class rolled around she was tired of having to introduce herself, her cheeks were hot from blushing and her hands hadn't stopped shaking for most of the day. All she wanted to do was get home and start on her new cosplay idea.

Her prayers were answered by the final bell of the day. Her shoulders relaxed as she popped her headphones in and shoved her iPod into her pocket. The only problem with her situation was she had no idea where she was supposed to get on the bus. She quickly spotted a group sitting in the cafeteria. The girl she knew from her singing outside on the picnic table.

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