Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)

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Requested on my tumblr: Yes!

Prompt/summary:  Adam and the reader get paired up for a project together, and he accidentally sees her notebook

The project was supposed to be simple. Create a banner to advertise for the school dance this weekend. Simple, right?

Not exactly.

At first I thought I was the only one from the student government association that was working on the banner in the cafeteria after school, but I was surprised when I saw Adam Parks walking in with the supplies I meant to gather.

"Hey Adam, what are you doing?"

"Didn't Mrs. Applebee tell you? I'm helping you on the banner today."

"Oh," I said. I felt blood rush to my face and I'm sure he could see how red it was, but he only gave me a smile that I couldn't help but return back.

"Alright, if you want to go ahead and trace out the letters on the banner I'll start mixing the paints for us to use," Adam smiled.

"Sounds good," I smiled, I pulled my notebook out from my backpack and flipped through to the design I had sketched earlier today, "This is what I was thinking we could do."

I picked up my pencil and began to lightly sketch out the letters. Adam prepped the brushes and glasses of water and began following behind me painting carefully over each letter. The silence was deafening for a while, the only sounds being the scratch of my pencil, the stroke of his brush, and the air conditioning that left goosebumps on my arms.

"So how have you been?" Adam tried to break the silence.

"Oh been good I guess, you?"

Adam laughed, "Just trying to get through this I guess."

"Through what?" I smiled.

"The school day," He said as he looked up at me.

"Wanna take a break?" I asked.

Adam sighed, "I thought you'd never asked.

I giggled and began cleaning up what I could out of the floor, pulling a snack out of my backpack and sitting criss cross on the floor across from Adam. He reached up and pulled the black sweatshirt off, causing his shirt to pull up slightly and I tried not to let him notice me staring at the abs that were barely showing.

"So," I coughed, "Are you taking anyone to the dance?"

"I hadn't thought about it," he said.

"You hadn't thought about taking anyone to the dance you're helping put together?" I giggled.

"I guess it sounds weird, huh?" he laughed.

The bell rang signaling the next class was going to start in 5 minutes, I grabbed my stuff and shoved it in my bag. Adam waved at me with an infectious smile that I couldn't help but return before he turned to take the banner into Mrs. Applebee's room.

The next class went smoothly, I got my work done quickly and went to pull out my notebook only to be met with an empty spot where it would normally be. I felt my heartrate pick up as I frantically looked through the bag.

"(Y/n)? You okay?" Rocky asked from beside me.

I looked up shocked, I knew he was one of Adam's friends but I never thought his friend group noticed me since they were the popular kids, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you."

I stared at the clock waiting on the bell to ring so I could go search for the notebook. I didn't want anyone to see what had been written in it. If someone flipped to the last page that was written on they would've seen various combinations of Adam and I's name on the page, and I would rather die than let someone see that. Oh why didn't I rip that page out?

As soon as I heard the ringing I immediately sprinted down to the cafeteria where Adam and I were working on the banner, there was no sign of my notebook there and I felt myself starting to panic again.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I heard someone shout, I turned to see Adam running towards me, "Hey, you left this in here earlier and I couldn't find you in time for class."

"Oh thank god, thank you Adam," I said as I held the notebook close to my chest.

"Tommy tried to flip through it and he said there was something written on the last page, but I didn't want to look. But can I see?"

"No!," I shouted, but realized how loud I was when I saw a few heads turn, "Sorry, I just- it's private. Did he tell you what he saw?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't let him cause I figured you didn't want anyone looking at it."

"What a gentleman," I tried to joke through my nerves.

"So about the dance-" Adam started before he was interrupted by his friends yelling for him near the doors of the school, "Sorry about them, but I'll see you tomorrow right?"

Part of me wanted to ask him what he was gonna say but I could tell he was anxious to leave, "Alright, you can tell me tomorrow."

Adam smiled, "Cool, bye (Y/n)."

"Bye," I said softly as he ran over to his friends and out the door.

I'm ripping out that page.


The next day couldn't go any slower. Finally I got to my free period and skipped into the cafeteria to hopefully finish the banner in time for the dance tomorrow. Normally I loved Fridays but today felt strange knowing that I'd probably be at home tomorrow while all my friends went out with their dates to the dance.

When I got to the cafeteria Adam had already laid out the giant piece of paper with our work from yesterday. He was cleaning up the letters he had painted and I sat my bag down beside his before pulling my pencil out and sitting beside him.

"Hey (Y/n)," Adam said.

"Hey, so what did you want to tell me yesterday?" I said.

"Oh," Adam said and paused for a second, "Well, I was talking to Rocky yesterday and he told me that he knew you still didn't have a date to the dance yet, and I just wanted to ask if, maybe... you and I could..."

"Yeah?" I asked, I really hoped this was going where I think it was going.

"Would you want to go with me? As my date?"

My heart was hammering in my chest but I managed to squeak out, "Yes."

Adam pulled me into a hug before turning back to the banner, "We better finish this before Mrs. Applebee comes for our throats."

I laughed, "I guess that's true."

"Oh and (Y/n)?"


Adam sighed, "Yesterday Tommy made me look at the last page."

"What?" I almost yelled.

Adam began to ramble, "I didn't want to but he made me and then he encouraged me to ask you to the dance cause I've had a crush on you since I first saw you and he-"

"Woah woah woah," I said and giggled, "Slow down a little bit."

"I'm kinda glad he made me I guess, cause if I hadn't seen that I wouldn't have had the courage to ask you out," Adam said shyly.

I laughed slightly, "So I'm gonna wear a black dress tomorrow so you shouldn't have too hard of a time matching your outfit, I wanna win best dressed for once."

Adam smiled, "My favorite color."

"It goes with everything," I said dramatically.



"You should come up with a better ship name for us if you're going to write it across an entire page," Adam giggled.

"Hey!" I said as I slapped his shoulder slightly.

He laughed and went back to painting the letters. Finally the banner was finished and we went to hang it up in the gym.

The next night we took so many pictures in front of it after we won best dressed.

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