Memories (Zayto x reader)

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Request: (wattpad @Maleehah2000 ) Power Rangers Dino Fury Zayto x reader

Prompt/summary: Zayto helps his lover remember her past after her memory goes away

Authors note: Just a quick little imagine that came to me while I was on vacation!


The girl he fell in love with was fearless.

A Knight of Rafcon. An avid horse rider and archer that never backed down from a fight. He remembers most of their "dates" being riding along the outskirts of their village singing and laughing while they patrolled.

He had never seen the look of fear in her eyes like he did now.

Zayto flinched as the girl in front of him backed her way into the corner. Farther from his outstretched arms.

"I don't... I can't. Where am I?"

"(Y/n), you're on Earth."

The girl shook her head, "I- I don't know what you mean."

"You don't remember me?" He asked. He knew the answer. She had been in the cryo chamber too long, her memory must have been fogged in the millions of years she laid sleeping.

"No..." she answered quietly.

Zayto let his antennae free, the girls eyes softened at the sight of something slightly familiar, something that made the back of her mind stir lightly.

"I can show you, I can remind you of who you are and where we came from."

The girl's eyes filled to the brim with tears. His voice somehow soothed her but the fact she couldn't place where she'd heard it before made her shake violently as she searched his face for any sort of familiarity.

"Here," he said, she flinched as he reached forward. Zayto hovered his arms over hers, waiting for her to initiate contact.

She hesitated. Staring down at his outstretched palms before slowly sliding her arms into his.

A flood gate was opened. Images, sounds, sights, smells, and feelings drained into her mind. She felt like she was being swept away with them.

She must've fallen at some point, when she woke up she was in his arms staring up at the ceiling of the underground base.


"Yes my love, it's me. Do you remember now?"

She felt her antennae pop out of her head, she smiled up at him softly, "Yes."

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