Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)

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Prompt/summary: Reader has had a crush on Ollie since middle school and finally snaps when they see the fortune teller.

Authors note: Absolutely no one requested this I just really wanted to write something power rangers and I haven't seen anything for Dino Fury yet :)

"There has to be another way to decipher that message," I heard Amelia sigh.

"What message?" I said as I walked in. My face was buried in a tablet, furiously typing code to unlock the new zords for the team.

"We think it's a message from Zayto's home planet," Ollie said.

"Wait a minute," Amelia dug through her pocket for her phone, "Madame Indigo can help, she's a psychic. She does everything. Fortune telling, palm readings, even mystical communication."

My eyes narrowed at Ollie as Amelia spoke. He looked so intrigued with her idea. The longer I stared the more I felt my chest tighten, whether it was anger or anxiety was anyone's guess if I was being honest.

Zayto's eyes lit up, "You really think this psychic can tell us what the message is?"

"Yes!" Amelia said.

"No," Ollie said at the same time.

I giggled as Amelia and Ollie both turned to each other annoyed.

"Psychics are ridiculous Zayto, what you need is science. Moms knows a guy at the conservatory and they might've picked up the signal. Let's ask them first."

"Why not try both?" I suggested.

"Good idea (Y/n)," Zayto smiled, "We'll start with the psychic."

Ollie sighed, "Fine. Who's gonna waste 15 bucks on a psychic?"

"I'll get the money," I said, stepping between the blue and pink ranger, "Ollie, can I borrow 15 dollars?"


The fair was bustling with activity as we walked into the tight quarters of Madam Indigo's tent. As we sat down at her table Ollie's hand brushed gently against my own. My state of frozen fear turned into embarrassment as Ollie jumped back and scooted closer to Amelia. I guess I didn't need my heart in one piece today anyways.

"So you want to know about this mysterious message? Well, first I need an object that is meaningful to source the energy."

Zayto thought for a second before pulling the crystal from beneath his shirt and handing it to the psychic, "This. It's from my home planet... far away."

Madam Indigo held her hand over the necklace "oh" ing and "ah"ing for dramatic effect.

"Yes, yes, the message that you speak of... someone a great distance away.. They desire to see you... they want to contact you."

Zayto smiled, "They would? Wow."

From the corner of my eye I could see Ollie's mischievous smile show up, "Hey, I was just wondering... Amelia and I are... super in love."

Amelia met my gaze with a panicked look, "Ollie what are you-"

"Shhhh!" Ollie smirked, "Honey muffin, I just have a simple question."

My face must've displayed a look of shock, that nickname was one he had given me in middle school as a joke.

"Tell us about our future, together."

Madam Indigo clapped and reached for their hands. I felt my breathing begin to quicken and I rushed out of the tent before anyone could stop me.


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