Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)

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TITLE: Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)

Prompt/summary: Tommy and his sister (Y/n) volunteer for Earnie's halloween party. Shenanigans ensue.

Word Count: 1,013

Warnings: none

A/n: No one requested this I just wanted spoopy vibes rn. :)


The shopping cart clanged as (Y/n) pulled it out of the slot and put her bag inside.

"Alight, we need pumpkins, candy for prizes, and acrylic paint with brushes," Tommy said looking over the list.

"Piece of cake," (Y/n) said as she headed towards the produce section, "the budget is $35 dollars and we should be able to get everything. Most of the pumpkins are being donated from the youth center though."

"I'm so glad Earnie is doing a Halloween party for the kids in Angel Grove," Tommy smiled.

(Y/n) picked out a few of the shiniest pumpkins from the box and placed them in the cart, "Yeah me too. These pumpkins are for us to decorate to give the kids some ideas."

Tommy's communicator went off and the siblings both sighed loudly.

"Go on, they need you."

Tommy gave his sister a quick hug, "I'll catch up to you later, love you."

"Love you too Tom," she said as he ran off.

(Y/n) turned back to the cart and pushed it over to the craft section. Tonight was going to be long.


(Y/n) got the bags of supplies back to the youth center and got Billy to drive her back to her house so she could change into her costume. The Supergirl suit looked amazing as she smoothed out the fabric of the skirt and pushed the headband into her hair. The ringlets flowed down her back and her bangs framed her face perfectly. By the time 6 o'clock rolled around she realized Tommy never came back.

She sat around until 6:20 before deciding to head to the Youth Center to set up their booth. She spread out a yellow table cloth as the lights dimmed in the gym in favor of a sparkling disco ball in the center of the room. She placed the pumpkins and paints on the table before starting on her own pumpkin.

She finally spotted her brother entering the door with his group of friends dressed up in a knock off version of their real ranger suits. Kimberly waved at the girl walking over to see the pumpkins on the table.

"Hey Kim! Grab a brush and start on one, I'm sure you'll make it look great!"

"Thanks (Y/n). Sorry for holding up your brother, Rita sent a nasty one today."

Tommy walked over and wrapped his arm around his sister, "Hey girls, what are you talking about?"

"I was just about to ask Kim who's idea it was to wear knock off suits," (Y/n) chuckled.

"Oh it was Rocky's idea," Tommy rolled his eyes, "We all just went along with it."

"Do you think anyone will figure it out?" (Y/n) asked.

"Probably not, no one notices when we disappear at random times," Tommy shrugged.

The group laughed and saw kids funnel in the door to begin the festivities. The pumpkin paintings went well, the kids came up with some creative ideas to paint on their pumpkins and they even got to take them home at the end of the night. Kimberly and Billy's science experiment was a hit, the kids loved seeing the smoke boil out of the pot and everyone saw how proud Billy was when the kids looked amazed.

Everyone sat around a table at the end of the night with a big bucket of leftover halloween candy in the middle. The boys decided to play a card game while the girls sat and discussed where they wanted to go check out later.

"I'm just saying we should go to the haunted house!" Aisha said.

"That sounds like a good idea," Kim said leaning back.

"I'm down for tha- ROCKY DON'T CHEAT!" Adam yelled causing the girls to laugh.

Tommy laid down his hand and the boys sighed in defeat and Tommy collected the candy setting in the middle.

"(Y/n) and I are gonna have to pass, our parents want us home before midnight."

(Y/n)'s face scrunched in confusion, "What time is it?"

"It's-", BIlly looked at his watch, "11:48."

"Oh crap," Tommy said standing up, "come on (y/n) time to go home."

"Aw but I want more candy!" (Y/n) whined.

Tommy laughed, "We'll buy some on the way home."

The two waved goodbye to their friends and headed towards Tommy's mustang outside. The drive to the dollar store was filled with blaring music from Tommy's CD and (Y/n)'s loud singing. Tommy laughed as his sister dramatically danced to the music and he turned it down as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Chocolate time!" (Y/n) yelled and ran inside. Tommy followed quickly after her.

They grabbed bags of chocolate, suckers, and even some apple cider they found. They checked out and headed home.

"I'm sorry I had to ditch you earlier," Tommy said.

"It's okay, Kim said it was a tough one."

Tommy sighed rubbing his face, "Yeah it was, I just can't wait to get home and get out of this scratchy suit."

(Y/n) laughed and popped a peanut butter cup in her mouth, "It's sad how I can't tell everyone that my brother is the white ranger."

"Why would you want to do that?" Tommy chuckled.

"I'd get crazy brownie points," (Y/n) said and opened up a sucker.

Tommy laughed before snatching a sucker out of her bag. They pulled up to the house and (Y/n) closed the door to the car before running up to the front door.

"Movie marathon!" (Y/n) yelled.

"You're gonna have a sugar crash!"

"Don't care, I have apple cider that needs to be drunk!"

"You better not wake up mom and dad," Tommy said and got out his house key.

"They're probably watching movies too," (Y/n) said.

And she was right, Nightmare Before Christmas was playing loudly on the tv when they walked in and they quickly got changed and joined their parents on the couch. They spent the rest of their nights eating candy and drinking cider.

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