The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)

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TITLE: The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)

Prompt/summary: (Zeo episode 30, Oily to bed, oily to rise) Reader volunteers with Rocky as a lifeguard for the Angel Grove surfing competition

Word Count: 1,104

Warnings:  none


"Welcome! To the Angel Grove catch a wave competition. The first competitor comes from Stone Canyon High. Give it up for champion surfer Joe Orchard!" The announcer said. The crowd began to cheer as Joe made a move on the wave. (Y/n)  had never been one for surfing but when they got the option to volunteer as a lifeguard for this competition they immediately took it. There were two reasons as to why they did, first it would look good on a college resume, second they knew Rocky DeSantos would also be volunteering.

(Y/n) walked down the ramp to the lifeguard tower on the shore of Angel Grove beach, Rocky trailing behind her, "Rocky I'm heading to the lifeguard stand, you'll be in charge of first aid for the day," (Y/n) said.

"No problem (Y/n)," He smiled. (Y/n) felt their heart skip a beat. The two saw Tommy and Kat standing below the tower and Rocky began to walk towards them. (Y/n) turned and began to make her way to the lifeguard stand to give the friends some alone time. She didn't know Tommy and Kat that well anyways and didn't want to make it awkward.

"Hey guys!" he yelled.

"Hey Rocky, what's up?" Tommy said as the blue ranger approached him.

"You think the gold ranger knows how to surf?"

Tommy and Kat stood up, "I never really thought about it Rock."

"Think about it though," Kat chimed in, "He could be standing right near us and we wouldn't even know about it."

The boys both hummed in agreement. Rocky stared at the lifeguard tower (Y/n) was sitting at and sighed. He had the chance to ask her out this morning while they were setting up, but he blew it of course. He thought they looked amazing in their swimsuit. Tommy saw where his friend was looking at and nugged Kat's arm.

"You know you should ask them out later today, maybe ask them to dinner," Kat suggested.

Rocky turned with his eyes wide at his friends, "Who?"

Tommy laughed at his embarrassment, "(Y/N), come on bro everyone knows you have a thing for them."

"Yeah but they don't like me like that, look at them."

The group turned to watch the lifeguard. (Y/n) grabbed their water bottle and uncapped it, trying to stay cool in any way possible.

Rocky sighed, "I almost asked them out this morning. I freaking blew it man. It's like I was looking at them and I completely lost everything I was gonna say."

"I feel ya man," Tommy said, looking at Kat while he was saying it. The pink ranger didn't notice however since she was putting her surfboard wax away.

"Anyways," Kat said, "I better get ready, my heats up next."

"Good luck Kat," Rocky said as her and Tommy walked away.

Rocky went back to his post at the top of the lifeguard tower. The sun on his back caused spots of sweat to appear on his shirt. He eventually got tired of it and ended up taking it off and grabbing a bottle of sunscreen to apply.

(Y/n) bit their lip. They turned just in time to see the boy taking his volunteer shirt off and the young lifeguard almost lost their balance on the stand. Eventually Rocky looked up to see them staring and smiled causing them to come to their senses. (Y/n) smiled back at him before turning back to the competition.



The competition was in full swing and getting ready to wrap up. They cheered for Katt as she prepped for another wave to take the lead. Suddenly there was a commotion on the shore, (Y/n) looked up to see some sort of green sludge making its way towards the surfers. They tried to find Rocky in the crowd of people but lost hope after a few seconds. They grabbed their whistle and sent out a few tweets telling everyone to get out of the water. Rocky finally came into (Y/n)'s view, running along the edge of the water while yelling at the competitors to get out.

(Y/n) saw Tommy and David swimming out to Katt. They saw Katt go under water and let out a yell. As the three of them paddled to shore on Katt's surfboard (Y/n) climbed down from the tower. Rocky and (y/n) began to usher people back from the water. Rocky ran over to the three friends and (Y/n) followed behind. She gave water bottles to the Katt, Tommy, and David after they collapsed on the shore. Rocky's communicator beeped.

"(Y/n)," Rocky said, "We're going to go get help. Can you keep everyone out of the water?"

"Of course," (Y/n) said.

Rocky smiled at them, and without thinking he kissed them on the cheek. They both smiled at each other before (Y/n) turned and ran back to the stand.

Rocky finally realized what had just happened, "Oh Zordon why did I just do that?"

"Good job bro," Tommy said.

Rocky shook his head before calling back to the command center.


After the fight...

After the coast was cleared the competition started back up again. (Y/n) waited and waited for Rocky and was searching the crowd when they weren't watching the surfers. FInally Rocky and his friends appeared near the edge of the water and (Y/n) climbed down the tower to greet them.

Tommy nudged his friend when he saw (Y/n) running over to them, causing Rocky to blush.

"There you are!" (Y/n) said, pulling the boy into a hug before turning to the group, "I was so worried. You won't believe it! The Power Rangers showed up while you were gone. Where were you anyways?"

"We went to get help, it's good the Rangers saved the day," Tommy said.

"I heard the Pink one is the best," Katt smiled.

(Y/n) scoffed, "No it's definitely the blue one."

Rocky blushed even more. Luckily (Y/n) didn't see it.

The announcer came over the microphone, "Okay surfing fans! The moment you've all been waiting for. The judges have made their final decisions. And the winner of the Angel Grove Catch a Wave competition is... Johnny Spitzer!"

The crowd cheered as the winner accepted his trophy. (Y/n) clapped and smiled at the surfer and turned to Rocky, "I wish Katt would have won."

"Yeah me too," Rocky paused and took a deep breath, "Would you like to go to dinner tonight?"

(Y/n) smiled at the nervous boy, "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

The two smiled at each other as they intertwined hands.

Rocky couldn't be any happier, "I guess I'm the real winner today."

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