His Type (Brody Romero x reader)

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Requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva on wattpad

Prompt/summary: Reader gets attacked by Madame Odius and Brody has to save her

Word Count:

Authors note: I don't know if I like this one or not but it was a request (thank you BB <3) so I hope they like it, I haven't watch much of Ninja Steel so I tried my best

(Y/h/c) = Your hair color

(y/e/c) = your eye color

(Y/f/f) = your favorite flavor (of ice cream)

Another day another monster attacking the city. (Y/n) scrolled through the news once more memorizing the article about the power rangers saving the city from another attack by Madame Odius. Her fan page had begun to take off as she reported every attack that had happened in the past few weeks, and had even been featured in the paper this week.

"Hey guys look!" She yelled as she walked towards her group of friends in the cafeteria.

Sarah grabbed her phone and quickly skimmed through the article, "Wow (Y/n), is this from your blog?"

"Yup! It's really taking off, I just hit 1,000 followers."

"That's amazing (Y/n)," Hayley said.

"I heard the yellow ranger can bench over 250," Calvin smirked.

Hayley scoffed, "More like 250 pieces of paper."

Calvin rolled his eyes and put his arm around her.

A loud beep was heard and the group of friends looked at each other sceptically.

"Hey (Y/n)," Brody said, "We gotta get to shop class. We'll see you late."

"Oh, okay."

The group took off leaving (Y/n) at their table alone.

Class went on like normal. (Y/n) tried to look out for her friends but still couldn't find them. After 7th period she got a text from Brody.

Meet me at the park after school?

A smile grew on her face as she replied back, Sure, and took off for the park.

(Y/n) began to feel hot in her outfit and took off her red cardigan tossing it into her bag. The walk was only 5 minutes and she picked up the pace as she got closer. She spotted Brody sitting on the swings messing with something in his hands.

"Hey! Where's the others?" (Y/n) asked.

Brodie quickly stood up tossing the object in his pocket and (Y/n) shifted to try and see what it was.

"Oh I thought maybe it could just be you and me today."

"Oh okay that sounds great."

"Cool, so what do you want to do first?

"Bet I can beat you to the slide," (Y/n) smirked.

"You're so on," Brodie smiled and the two took off towards the slides.

The two spent an hour playing at the park feeling like kids again, soon it started to rain and they ran to the pavilion to take cover.

"Sucks how the rain ruined our fun," Brody said.

"It's okay I had a lot of fun, we should do this again sometime."

Before anything else could be said strange blue creatures began to pop up around them.

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